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Help Recruit Other Clubs to Participate In This Forum

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We all know first hand the benefits the AACA Forums provide to a wide array or enthusiasts and clubs. I continue to be amazed at the power of our online community! Contemplate the following:

~ the volume of automotive information exchanged

~ the vast quantity of cars and parts bought, sold and identified

~ the number of cars back on the road

~ the friendships created

Raw numbers: 44 participating clubs and marques, 4,000 visitors per day, 26,000 registered users, 400 new posts a day, and almost 600,000 total posts. For every 1 post there are over 25 people who read it. Pretty astounding statistics. – <span style="text-decoration: underline">"The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts."</span> We can make it better.

<span style="font-family: 'Arial Black'"><span style="font-weight: bold">HELP ME RECRUIT OTHER CLUBS TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR FORUMS </span></span>

The AACA will extend to any national automobile club (organized or not) free use of this forum. Many of you are members of these clubs and already know they don’t have their own forums, or do, but are sparsely used due to low traffic or technical restrictions. The AACA forums can solve both these problems.

We’ll create a forum just for them. We’ll let them moderate themselves, or we’ll moderate it for them. We’ll even migrate their existing forum and all it’s posts and users (to the best of our ability).

If you know car club that needs a forum have them email me at webmaster@aaca.org or call me at 520-247-5918.


Peter Gariepy

AACA Webmaster

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Peter, Steve M and I have extended the invitation to National Antique Olds Club a couple of times with mixed reaction. There's still a division between prewar and postwar (read Cutlass) there, which is sad. I have wanted the NAOC experience and knowledge on here for a long time.

We might try offering to the Toronado Owners' Association www.toronado.org as a subset to OCA forums, like the Riviera Owners' Association and BCA.

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We can try Peter. Paul is NAOC Membership Secretary, and I know a couple of other NAOC directors/officers are on here sporadically, so maybe we can garner some interest on their part.

Some of the better discussions we've had in OCA Forums have been about 1936 Oldsmobiles and 60s Starfires, both of which are NAOC eligible.

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Guest ChopShopCustoms

Id be happy to place sopmething in my newsletter about the forum if you would like.It reaches over 4000 people.

Peter: Would you be able to provide a paragraph (or two) about the forum and a good graphic to use?

Id be happy to help

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