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1915 Buick makes Front Page news!

Dandy Dave

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EXTRA, EXTRA, Read all about it! A pre war 1915 Buick Makes the front page of the Bugle, and the best part! It is my car! grin.gif

Thanks Pete Phillips.

One, happy as a pig in mud, Dandy Dave! smile.gifgrin.giflaugh.gif

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shocked.gif Oink, oink,....oink. smile.giflaugh.gif

So which one are you? Larry, Curly, or Moe?

Oh I see...actully it appears to be Grocho Marks. Now I guess we know who you really are.

LMAO, grin.gif Dave!

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Guest imported_Thriller

Now, if it would just show up in today's mail, I'd have a bit of reading material for the airport waits...then again, with plane changes, one Bugle probably won't quite be enough.

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Guest cardinal905

Good article--read it last nite. Did not know you were so "handy" to go along with your "dandy" GREAT CAR, GREAT JOB !

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You all should have seen Dandy Dave in the hotel pool with his flippers, mask, & snorkel yesterday morning!

It was the last day of the PWD AfterTour and he had a flat tire the previous day. So, he went into the pool to check his innertube for leaks. I am sure there will be photos posted later. Thank goodness he was wearing his speedo!

The AfterTour was a blast... Not many break downs, lots of great scenery, car museum tours, etc.... I'm sorry we missed the picnic last night, but we really enjoyed the tour....

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mark Shaw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You all should have seen Dandy Dave in the hotel pool with his flippers, mask, & snorkel yesterday morning!

It was the last day of the PWD AfterTour and he had a flat tire the previous day. So, he went into the pool to check his innertube for leaks. .... </div></div>

Don't all the pre-war people have this basic equipment? laugh.gif

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I hope there is a picture of this to be posted in the "Bugle" as a follow up to "The Great Article". (I had to say that since there is a lot of activity around Buffalo regarding the Great Race since both the car and driver were from here).

Yea for Dandy Dave, his car, his guitar and his congenial personality. If you have never met Dandy Dave then you have missed one of the great things in life.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yea for Dandy Dave, his car, his guitar and his congenial personality. If you have never met Dandy Dave then you have missed one of the great things in life. </div></div>

Oh Golly Gee Wis.... blush.gifsmile.gif Thanks Stevo!

I sure did meet a load of nice Buick folks out there smile.gif ( And only one snob laugh.gif of whom I will never tell ! wink.gif )

All I got to say is.... <span style="font-size: 20pt"><span style="color: #CC0000">It sure was fun!</span></span>

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> ( And only one snob laugh.gif of whom I will never tell ! wink.gif ) </div></div>

I wasn't that bad, was I? smirk.gifcrazy.gifwink.gif

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Ohhhh, shocked.gif I'll have you know that the snob sure was no son a of a Saskatiwan( sp? ) farmer. wink.gif

More like a New york City type of snob. Oh well, there's one in every crowd. Dandy Dave!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How did the conversation go with this New York City Snob? </div></div>

Conversation??? What conversation??? Them New York City type snobs just walk by with their nose so high in the air that it is a wonder the birds don't use em fur target practice. I don't know why they would come to a car show cause they sure aren't looking at cars. More like they are lookin fur airplanes or clouds or something. It must be some kind of status thing that they just want to be noticed. It is a wonder that they don't drowned when it rains.

Come to think of it, there was this feller that approched our Fearless leader, Brian Heil, while we were hanging out in Hell, Push Here to plan a trip. Michigan having an ice cream and this feller steps up and tries to get us to sign on fur another auto tour. The price was $850.00 bucaroos and that did not include meals or hotels. shocked.gif It's a wonder he did not get run out of town, maybe he was where he already belonged though, just being where he was. laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest imported_Thriller

So there was a Heil in Hell....

Was there Heil to pay there?

Sorry, just couldn't resist...I've heard of Hell, MI before.

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Actully Mr. Heil did a Hell of a good job getting us in and out of Hell!!! wink.gifgrin.gif

Now when someone asks, or tries to tell me where to go, I can tell them I already been and back again. Thanks to our fearless leader we did not lose a soul. laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

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