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Buicks in Flint...... who is going?

Barney Eaton

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We are about 5 weeks away from the Buick national meet in Flint. I was just wondering who I can expect to see there.

I am taking the 1991 Maui Blue coupe. I do not plan on driving it all the way... I will dolly it to Indiana because we need room for "stuff". Leave the dolly and pick-up in Indiana and drive the Reatta on to Flint.

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<span style="color: #3366FF">Barney- I might have a problem getting there in time for the Reatta Rendezvous. It looks like I might have to be in NY the Wednesday evening before the ride, and if that happens probably won't be able to come. Will know next week, and if so, will cancel 2 hotel rooms at the hotel, since my neighbor probably won't be driving up as well. Will keep you posted.


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Guest Durahansolo

Lucky Me, I live in Flint. I might try to be there one of the days since I have to go to a wedding on the 19th.

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The Reatta division has two activities on Thursday.

We have about 8 former Reatta team members that will talk to us and take questions on July 17 1:00-4:00 at the Service Parts Headquarters (behind the Wingate)

The Rendezvous starts at 5:00 the same day

I cannot find the day and time for the Reatta division meeting, it will probably be on Friday

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Kathy and I are planning to make the trip but we most likely not drive the Reatta, Just too far but we will make a 2 day trip of it. Hopefully gas will stop going thru the roof before July. We will arrive in Flint some time on Wednesday and will be at the meetings on Thursday. I hope that anyone who has a Pewter model brings it with you so we can compare. Remember some of them have numbers in the muffler some dont. Mine has PROOF on the muffler. I would like to see other examples to see if they were made by the same company.

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Fortunately, my Summer home is only about 1/2 hour away from the meeting. I will be attending the events, but not staying at the hotel. This will be my first "car meet" experience. I got my first Reatta only last Fall (now have two 1990 convertibles, white w/red & red w/tan) and am still in the learning mode. Consequently, I am planning to spend as much time at the meetings as possible to get more familiar with the Reatta and meetings such as this. I will be bringing my white Reatta. I look forward to meeting many of you!

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I talked to Jim Finn today and together we are going to find some time to go over Reatta judging.

With a cold beer and the judging sheets, we will get a group of interested Reatta owners and judge cars in the parking lot.

This give owners an idea of what to look for and fix on their Reattas before entering them in a Buick 400 point judging event. It also helps train judges on items to look at and what the deductions should be. Hopefully it will be beneficial to everyone.

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Guest dpannell

My son and I will be leaving Indy on the 6th and plan to be in FLint by the 17th......via Seattle Wa. This will be the second lengthy roadtrip in my 90 coupe since its salvage 18 mos. ago. Unfortunately we'll not be able to drive the newly acquired convertible to this meet.

I look forward to meeting others and seeing many other Reatta. Dave

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Guest mgibson

Anne and I plan to be there. We are driving my 1991 Maui Blue convertible instead of the Rendezvous this year. That will limit some shopping along the way!

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Guest MauiWowee

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barney Eaton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That is 3 Maui Blue 1991's so far. </div></div>

Probably four cool.gif

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Guest HessLakeGuy

Remember: You are a stranger only once at these meetings!!

Once you meet these fine people you might want to come every year. Every year it is someplace different.

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This is what he actually said.

"I talked to Jim Finn today and together we are going to find some time to go over Reatta judging."

Anyway, I'm not talking about Barney or Jim. They did their best.

I'm talking about the national club board allowing the Michigan club to dictate to the National club what thhey will do and what they will not do. And then forcing the Reatta Division to cancel their own separate judging.

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This (non-judged national meet) has been dragged through the mud for 2 years.

While it is just a summary, go to.....


and scan down to page 4..middle of the page and you can read the board meeting minutes on the decision from 2006.

What it does not say....there were NO other bids for the 2008 meet. The National meet must be chosen two year (or more) in advance. Without another BCA Chapter present and submitting a bid, the BCA Board had two choices. (1) Have no meet in 2008 or (2) Have a meet without judging.

I'll bet the majority membership vote would go along with the board decision.

Next...reread my 6/7 post, it says Jim and I would find a way to "go over Reatta judging" ..... you might read many things into that but what Jim and I intend to do is not judge Reattas, but to go over the judging of Reattas.

This would be with a group of interested Reatta owners, we would take judging sheets and pick a car or two. We would then take the engine compartment judging sheet and give our opinion on how to judge that cars engine compartment.

We would allow questions, comments, and suggestions to be made. The intent is two fold, (1) help Reatta owners understand how their car is judged and what they can do to have fewer points deducted. (2) encourage more Reatta owners to volunteer to judge. Many feel they are unqualified and the only way to make that go-away is to train them.

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Although I was looking forward to a judging event it was mostly because I wanted to learn the judging process itself and to get a good evaluation of my car. Barney's suggestion above accomplishes the judging process which would then allow me to preliminarily evaluate my own car. I would welcome this experience and would like to participate. Do we know when this will happen?



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There is no schedule. We might find a way to do it twice, as two smaller groups might work better than one big group.

With most of the Reatta owners staying at the Wingate, we can do one early some morning....(8:00-8:30) when the wives are still getting pretty.

If 2008 is like 2003...there will be continious Reatta talk and technical information being passed between owners. The great thing about everyone at one small hotel is the ability to sit around and talk when no other activity is going on..... come early and stay late.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GMcars

I live about 30 miles from Flint and will be dropping in with my '91 Reatta convertible. Black/Black w/ Gray. I'll keep checking the posts for more about the Reatta gang is planning to do and where.

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