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Front License Plate bracket

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My '89 has never had a front plate mounted (originally a MI car where front plates are not required). Now that it is an IL car, a plate is (unfortunately) required in front. I want to use a stock bracket, but would like an option to drilling into a virgin front fascia.

If anyone has a idea, or a decent bracket, I'd like to hear from you...

When I show the '86 Laser XT, I remove the plate for aesthetics, since it's a black car the nasty holes don't really stand out, but on a yellow TC....


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Unfortunately, because of the low placement of the bracket, and less than sturdy design, the originals have usually been obliterated by curbs... Best of luck. And for the record, the ones from a LeBaron coupe or convertible can be made to work (drill into the rubber bumper strip) but they are not the same as the one on the TC.

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I used 3 pieces of alumminum angle iron. I made slots in 2 to use the existing threaded holes in the lower part of the facia. I then drilled and pop rivited the third piece accross the front and drilled holes for the plate. A nice afternoon project.

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what i used was a metal licence plate cover, painted to match my car (that lovely yellow) then using doublesided tape (sold at auto parts stores for attachement of trim)attached the plate to the cover. I then (after measuring for center etc) screwed it to the front bumper cap. You can fiddle with placement using to little dabs of that double sided tape to find a appealing spot.

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I hope all of you were smart enough to secure a plate of license size or bracket used , behind the plastic panel or the movement of the plate from just the air against it will break out the bolt hole area ,and license will either dangel or be lying on some road ,perhaps with tire marks on it ...just food for thought from an old man

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Ahh, how I do love a challenge...upon closer examination, I see the 2 dimples where the holes are to go on the bottom of the fascia, I assume the third is centered on the rub strip of the bumper.

I'll just have to see how clever I can be about <span style="font-style: italic">securely</span> attaching a removable plate. (thanks Redman for pointing that out!)


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Actually Tony T some of the ones i've seen that appear to be original are only attached by screws in those 2 holes and not at all into the rubber bumper. A backup behind sounds like a really good idea. I've have had no issue with the bumper or bracket. The bracket holds the TOP of the license about an inch from the bumper and about even with the middle of the bumper or a llittle lower as I remember. Happy cruisin.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: REDMAN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I hope all of you were smart enough to secure a plate of license size or bracket used , behind the plastic panel or the movement of the plate from just the air against it will break out the bolt hole area ,and license will either dangel or be lying on some road ,perhaps with tire marks on it ...just food for thought from an old man </div></div>well red, in 80k miles that old front plate is still a hanging from the front bumper, original holes and no flappy.

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Guest jerryjbennett

I just got a La Baron '89 front mount for my 89. Looks like one screw hole in the rubber and two down below.

Good Luck.

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