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Gas prices didn't seem to stop the crowd at Springfield, OH.

Shop Rat

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We just got back from the Springfield, OH auto parts flea market, car corral and show and there were LOTS of people there and they were buying. Most people had purchased something while there. Many wagons/parts carts loaded with items.

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They (gas prices) stopped me this year. This is the first Springfield I've missed since it was back at the old location (1990?). Last year's meet was such a dissappointment to me in size and quality that I just didn't see the point of dropping $25 in gas to go (@ 25 mpg in my Ranger). (I only live about 80 miles away.) I think I spent all of about $8 there last year.

I hope it's improving. Last year's show was down about 50% in size over 2000/2001 (for vendors, the rest was about the same).

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It depends on where you are. In Central Florida right now it is $3.79 per U.S. gallon, which might be a bit more or less than your gallon. BUT that seems to change daily for some reason. In our country gas in not a luxury but a necessity since we are so spread out and mass transit was given up for commercial airlines. We have one national bus company, but you probably would not want to travel in it, and one railroad company now that offers passenger service, but not to all cities. I see no reason for the significant daily increase except for price gouging by the oil companies and the greediness of the middle Eastern oil sheiks. Hopefully it will stabilize for awhile and not go up daily.

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I think there are a LOT of other people who will re-evaluate what events they will attend in light of higher fuel prices.

Personally, I believe that higher fuel prices will cause many people to take a good, hard, look at what an event has to offer.

Those offerings include amenities like the surface an event is held on, opportunites to purchase items they need for a current or future project,

overall entertainment value for their money (ie. entry fees, admission fees, cost of food at the event) and many other things.

Auto events need to realize that they are not just competing against other events but also with rising fuel, lodging and food costs. The competition does not stop there.

The slowing economy, job uncertainity, rising costs for electricity, natural gas, food, health care, property taxes, coupled with no or low salary increases are all things events compete against. Other events that think people will return year after year just because their event has a certain name recognition and ignore their underlying issues/concerns will face a tough time ahead.

Now, more than ever, auto events have to keep a sharp eye on their expenses.

Price increses for parking, entry fees spectator admission, food at the event, etc. could very well cause potential attendees to remove that event from their "must attend" list.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dave@Moon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They (gas prices) stopped me this year. </div></div>

You would have loved the t-shirt that one parts vendor was selling. Navy blue shirt with white silk-screened print. Graphic of a fueling nozzle and hose with the words, "Time for your colonoscopy" above and "Have you been hosed lately?" below the graphic. blush.gifgrin.gif

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Guest windjamer

Susan that shirt sould have my name on it> I bet it was one of his best sellers. Just returned from a loca show about 35miles from Binghamton NY. Rolling Antiquers Old car Club. Norwich Region AACA.. Its a 2 day show with street rods on sat. and us guys on Sunday. Its there 43rd annual. 512 cars yesterday and a simular though smaller # today. Gas here is $4.00 a gal. Are we glutins for punishment or what. BTW you missed a fantastic show at cumberland. The rain gods smiled on us I rec. my senior award the setting was park like I just wish the temp. had been a little warmer. Congrats. on your new car. Woodstock?? WOODSTOCK?? Blame it on snoopy, your probably a rock and rooler from way back

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I sure wish we had been able to go to Cumberland. But Bill wasn't feeling up to it just yet. Hernia surgery will do that to a fella'. confused.gif He is doing just fine and can walk along okay. It is just stopping and standing that bothers him. So even if he had been the Team Captain it would have been uncomfortable. He felt guilty asking not to do chassis at the Charlotte show before the surgery.

Wish I had been there to see you get your Senior award. (You are talking about the car, right? wink.gif ) Just pickin' on you. grin.gif

Thanks on the conrats for the new car. It really is named for Snoopy's best friend. I have always loved the <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Peanuts</span></span> comic strip. Trust me I wasn't a rock and roller. I was too busy listening to Andy Williams (I got to go to a concert of his on my thirteenth birthday). I do love tie-dye t-shirts though. cool.gif

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Every year for 20 years at the Indy 500 there is/was a major street rod show held somewhere on the west side of town. Waiting in line on the beltway to get off a the track exit we'd see 25-50 street rods run past us in the left lane, most of them <span style="font-style: italic">very</span> high end so it must be a major street rod event.

This year we were in line for about 20 minutes. <span style="font-weight: bold">One</span> street rod!

I don't know whether I should put a frowny face with that or not. confused.gif

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Well that does present a quandary as to whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that there were less of them this year.

It's a bad thing if for no other reason than the loss of the income in the area that they bring. Locals rely on that money coming in.

Just ask the folks around any NASCAR track that gets closed. It just about devastated North Wilkesboro when Bruton Smith closed that track.

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