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Got Reatta cars and parts for sale? List them Free!


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Attention Reatta Fans!

There is now a new website online just for us Reatta enthusiasts. It is ReattasForSale.com. I invite everyone to use the site.

I designed the website from the ground up exclusively for Reatta buyers and sellers. I used ideas I got from you, the members of this forum, to make it as easy to use as possible.

Anyone wanting to sell their Reatta can list their car on the website FREE. There are no strings attached. You can have up to two Ads running at any one time at no cost to you.

Please tell all your Reatta friends about the site. Help us make the website a great place for buying or selling your next Reatta.

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Outstanding... simply outstanding.

Another great example of why I just love this board.

So many great contributers.

And while I'me handing out accolades, I guess I should send one out to Al Gore. Had he not invented the Internet, younz guys would have never met me. grin.gif

(See... awesome and humble at the same time. wink.gif )

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I just viewed your sight and you did a grand job. Parts of the checklist that appear, is something I devised a number of years ago for this site. I created it because folks were trying to sell their cars here, but really did not tell us anything about their cars. Barney added a few additional questions regarding windshield and rear window gaskets later. Anyway, I'm glad you chose to include a portion for my list on your site even though you did not ask permission. My lawyers will be contacting you very, very soon. Just kidding!!! Anyway, you did a bang up job, looks great. Thanks for going to so much trouble so Reattas can find a good home.

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Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments about the site and thanks to the members here who have already registered at the website. I encourage everyone to use the website to list their cars and parts.

Howard, I didn't know who originally came up with the checklist. However in my original post in this thread I did acknowledge that I had used the ideas I got from members of this forum. Thanks or not taking me to court. smile.gif

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A bit late on this, but I have to say very nicely done! While I am not in the market to buy another car (for at least a couple of years now) I will watch your new site for parts I will be needing and to see what cars are out there for curiosity's sake.

Hopefully your site will prove to be successful from the standpoint of focusing the best cars for sale in one place. And I certainly hope that it covers your costs in terms of hosting and effort, if not actually making you a few sheckels.

Anyway, a top notch effort to be sure. Bravo!


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nic walker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wow!....Ronnie...very professional...I just registered and got a follow up email immediately confirming registration with pertinent information entered....nice smile.gif

nite </div></div>Thanks Nic. I've had a few people register on the site so far but only two listings. I hope more people start listing cars and parts soon to make the whole thing worth while.

I encourage anyone with Reatta cars or parts for sale to put them on the website.

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Guest tempest68

Just in time!

I posted my '89 on your site. Thanks!

Note: For "Fluid Leaks" "Other - See Description" there is no place to see the description.

For uploading of photos, it obviously did not like my large files. Suggest telling folks what the maximum resolution and/or file size is that would be acceptable.

Again, Thanks.

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Jim, Thanks for pointing that out. It was an oversight on my part. I have corrected the problems. I noticed there was no place to explain engine problems so I added that as well. You can go back and modify the listing if you would like to describe the engine problem. You will see "modify ad" in the menu on the left after you have logged in.

I moved your ad to the featured listing for better visibility.

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Guest crtnrds

Incredible job! The knowledge & talent of the people on this site is amazing. Thanks, I will be adding to the listings soon.

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Thanks, I'm glad you like the website. I hope you use it often.

It doesn't appear there are many people interested in using the website. I really thought it would be useful. Shows what I know. grin.gif

After receiving email from some of the members here who did not like it that I offered free ads and also paid ads, I have removed the paid ads and only offer free ads. Donations are accepted if anyone wishes to help support the website.

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