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reatta related tags

Guest gryfan

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reatta guys,i am looking to get a reatta related licence plate for a newly acquired reatta.in ontario we are allowed up to 8 letters.....so if you have a neat plate on your reatta share it with the rest of us.i do not want to order a new tag and then find out that there was a really neat reatta related tag i did not think of. thanks gryfan

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The obvious one is "REATTA" which is only 6 letters, what we are allowed here in Missouri. I think this is mostlee becuz we kan't spell wurds with more than 6 letters here in our fine state. Since you get 8 letters (must be the exchange rate, Canadian is worth more these days!) you could get the two digit year and the word Reatta.

Of course this is probably taken in most places already by a proud owner. Then again, this seems kind of silly as everyone can see it is a Reatta; it only says it in 8 places on the outside of the car; hood, trunk, doors, & all 4 wheels. Look through the window and there's two more on the steering wheel and glovebox.

Kind of a like a Chevy SSR I saw today, had the plate "SSR". I thought - gee I never would have guessed! I suppose it makes its point, but not much for originality.

I had the thought of getting 91-EC97 (the year of my car and the GM vehicle/platform code for the Reatta Coupe) but this is so esoteric that only true Reatta junkies or GM dealer staff would ever understand it's significance. If it makes no sense to 99.9% of people who see it, what's the point?

If I were willing to shell out for two sets of vanity plates I might get WKDAY on my Cadillac and WKEND on my Reatta. Maybe I could get LITIG8, so everyone knows they better not hit my car or I'll sue them into oblivion. Oooh wait, I kind of like that one...

The bigger issue for me is that vanity plates are a ripoff. I already [censored] away too much of my money to the government. Thus, I'll pass on the extra-charge vanity tags, and use my savings for something more useful, like paying my accountant to find another tax loophole and increase my refund [only half joking here!]. Ok, rant over.


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My favorite... "GM33" that was the code for the Reatta program. Chuck Parry in Syracuse NY is the first and only Reatta owner I know using that plate.

The down side .... it is so obscure that no one knows what it refers to.

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"You got 305 of these?" Man that is classic. If you owned all 305 1991 drop tops made, not only would that qualify you as some kind of automotive deity, but the parking attendant would be working for you since you'd need to own the garage to have some place to keep them all. You'd have to own an insurance company and petroleum refinery too, just to keep them all road legal and fueled up.

The fact he thought you owned 305 of them, much less that many of any kind of car is pretty cool in my opinion. Heck, that you own 5 Reattae blows me away.


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Guest Reattaray

Here are a few:





I have a license plate holder that allows a message to be customized. Mine is: 90REATTA at the top and

FUNTODRIVE at the bottom

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I thought of one: GETS L8ES (gets ladies!). No, the Reatta has not helped me in that department yet, we'll see what happens with that. Naturally, this plate would probably be rejected by the license office as somehow objectionable. Might also get your car keyed by someone without a sense of humor.

Could also get FUN 4 2 or FUN FOR 2 if they'll give you two spaces.


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My wife's Maui Blue 1991 coupe has the plate below.

Yes we have two Reattas but that was not the intent of the plates.

I did some research and found there were only two like it made, two blue/blue and blue molding, CD player and 16 way seat and no sunroof.....white pin stripe, there is one with the same equipment but a dark blue pin stripe..which would be "ONLY 1"

The problem with the above, we do not have that detailed information on all Reattas... only the 1991's, because of the low production allow us to search for that level of detail.


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