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Posts posted by zepher

  1. I have not done so for a few years but I used to host 'Install Meets' at my house.

    Back then, I was very active on a Nissan owner's board and there were a ton of younger people that wanted to do basic maintenance or modify their car but did not have the space, tools or experience to do so.

    Two or three times a year I would put together a meet where interested parties could bring whatever parts they wanted to install and we would get it done.

    The main condition was the vehicle owner had to get in there and get dirty working along side those of us that had experience spinning wrenches.

    It was a an all day event that usually started around 10am and would end after midnight when the last car finally left.

    The most cars I had at one time filling up my culd-de-sac was 32.

    We did everything from tune ups to lowering springs to headers.  We even did a nitrous kit and a turbo on a couple cars.

    Sure, it was the import crowd but I know that at least a couple of the young'ins got interested in muscle cars after attending the meets and going for a ride in my '64 Malibu convertible.

    All in all it was a great time.  There were sign up sheets for food and drinks and we barbequed, hung out and worked on cars all day.

    Matter of fact, I had a meet the first weekend after I had moved into my house on the culd-de-sac.  I got the garage put together before the rest of the house was unpacked and the first thing I baked in that oven was a pair of headlights someone wanted to open up to do some custom work on.


    I wouldn't call myself a hero, but maybe 'hero adjacent'. :P

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  2. 15 hours ago, Fossil said:

    That was the first thing that crossed my mind. The second was how do you dare take that radiator ornament out in public? 



    Many years ago, my grandfather installed a chain with a rod at one end that sits down inside the top tank so you can't just spin the Archer off and take it.

    You can get the chain out of the tank if the radiator is stone cold but there is no way you could do it after the engine has been running.


    But there have been instances of the Archer mascot being stolen off cars even when on tour at PAS national meets.

    It's a shame.

    And it is also why there have been many flat radiator caps made over the years to keep thieves from even contemplating stealing it.

    But the car just isn't the same without the Archer mascot leading the way. 

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  3. I could write a novel on this subject just from the 2 orphans I currently own.


    Plenty of auto enthusiasts have never heard of or even seen a Rickenbacker but I have a '26 Brougham and one of my uncles has a '25 Sedan.

    The Rickenbacker I own has been in the family since the early 60's when my dad picked it up as a non-running car.

    It only had a cracked head but back then there was no internet to track down parts so it took a few months to find one.

    The gentleman that sold my dad the car did not know it had a cracked head, so he was surprised when my dad contacted him and asked if he knew where a replacement could be found.  The man was embarassed that he sold the car and did not disclose the cracked head so he sent my dad a check for $50 as compensation.  The car was purchased for something like $500 so it was a decent amount to get back.

    Once dad had sourced a head and went through the carb, we went all over So Cal in that car on tours with other 20's cars as part of the Roaring 20's Car Club.

    And I almost forgot, when my dad went through the engine there was one bad piston. Of course he couldn't find one so he had Egge make one.  There is Rickenbacker pistons listed in Egge's catalog because my dad had them make one back in the 70's.

    The Rickenbacker has been from Santa Barbara to San Diego and everywhere in between.  It's even made the climb up to Big Bear a few times.

    Rickenbacker ceased operations in 1927 and there are about 36 cars known to have survived. Rickenbacker was in business from 1922 to 1927.


    The Pierce Arrow I own was purchased by my grandfather shortly after my dad aquired the Rickenbacker.  My dad ran across the car for sale as often happens when you're involved with an old car club.

    The Pierce has been in a few family weddings but it was mostly enjoyed very sparingly by my grandfather until he passed away in the mid 90's.

    My dad ended up with the Pierce and it has been to few PAS National Meets and when my dad went to the car show in the sky I inherited the car.


    • Like 6
  4. Back in the 20's, more expensive cars came with cigar lighters and ashtrays.

    My Pierce has two Hot Head lighters, one in the front one in the back, but only one ash tray on the man's vanity in the back seat.

    My Pickenbacker has no lighters and no ashtrays.

    The '64 Malibu I used to own had three ash trays and one lighter.

  5. On 10/9/2021 at 1:08 PM, wayne sheldon said:

    Unfortunately, I have met a bunch of scrappers with that kind of attitude. They couldn't care less what they melt down.


    One of my uncles had called some scrap guys to haul away a bunch of scrap metal from his property.

    He let them do their thing, removing the large pile of scrap metal, when he saw them walk over to a rear end that was about 40 feet away from the pile.

    They picked it up and were going to toss it in their truck along with all the other junk.

    He told them the rear end was not part of the scrap even though it had some surface rust on it.

    The rear end was from a '25 Rickenbacker, complete with the Hat-In-The-Ring differential cover.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, joe_padavano said:


    Many people look for things to offend them.

    And seriously, do you really think this 2005 Cobalt will ever be "collectible"?




    How about a Toyota Yaris?




    Kia Rio, maybe?




    Come on. These are disposable transportation appliances. I seriously doubt anyone will cash in a 2005 Ford GT under this program.


    I believe people said the same thing about Edsels. 


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  7. Some day I hope to own a Ford Model A so I can have something to drive a lot and have zero worry about replacement parts.

    But I will buy a driver since I have no experience with the Ford As I would not know what to really look for when it came to a basket case. 

    But paint and body being done is a big plus in my book, compared to most basket cases.

  8. I think another important element in late 30's design was Pierce Arrow folded in 1938.

    I always thought they still held the patent for fender mounted headlamps until they went out of business.

    If this is true, then other manufacturers were free to move their headlamps onto/into the fenders and that drastically influenced styling as well.


    Please correct me if I'm wrong about the PAMC fender headlamp patent.

  9. On 9/24/2021 at 3:37 PM, Max4Me said:


    Many thanks for getting back to me with the locksmith info. I was able to contact them. I think the office staff thought I was joking or crazy.  Nevertheless, they took my info and I am now waiting for their "technician" to get back  to me. 🤞






    Tech called me back and asked for pix, which I sent.  He was very nice and willing to at least take a look at the car.  I'm pretty slammed with my daughter's wedding in  2 weeks so it may have to wait until after that. Thanks again for sharing the info on this locksmith, and for your efforts to get me his contact info! Much appreciated.



    Hopefully they can help you out and get you the key you need.

    When I had them do mine, I took the handle and the lock to the small building off Orange Show and that is where the real old guy was that made the key for me.

    He was surprised to see a handle that old but he found a blank and the key works great.

  10. 20 hours ago, Ed Luddy said:

    Does having a 1915 cut off date ensure a shrinking membership on an annual basis? Or does it induce a cult like snobbery effect? Both or neither?



    Back in the 70's my Dad and Grandfather heard of a HCCA event going on not too far away.

    So we all hopped in the '29 Pierce to go have a look at the cars.

    Of course we did not attempt to park with the HCCA cars, we parked a little outside the roped of area but were close enough to be well visible to the cars on display.

    A handful of HCCA members walked over to take a look at the Pierce but not a single one said a word to us three even when we tried to start some small talk with them.

    That single experience is why my Grandfather never even attempted to join an old car club.  My Dad was a member of the local Roaring 20's car club for many years and we went on quite a few tours all over So Cal with them but we never could convince my Grandfather to join a club.

    Heck, I joined the Pierce Arrow Society back in the 90's when my Grandfather still owned the car but I let my membership lapse until around 2005 because my Grandfather would not take the car to any events.


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  11. I know how much work those older homes can be.

    When I was in my 20's I helped a friend restore a 1918 Craftsman he bought.

    Like anything else, prep is key.

    We had to hand cut the individual shingles for the outside of the house since there were none available in the size we needed to replace most of the outside wood of the house.

    House also still had the 2 wire knobbie wiring throughout so stripping the outside helped with replacing that with modern Romex.

  12. 19 hours ago, Max4Me said:


    Do you still have the name/location of the locksmith? I live in the San Berdoo area and would love to see if he could make a key for the transmission lock on my 1925 Maxwell.



    Let me see if I can find him again.

    I had the key for my Pierce done almost 10 years ago so I hope he's still around, post lockdown.


    This locksmith is in the same location, but I do not remember if this was the same name.

    You could always call them and ask.



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