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Everything posted by auburnseeker

  1. Ironically I just listed an NOS police car brochure for 1964 Ford on Ebay. Here is a link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=191254732269&ssPageName=STRK:MESE: there are a bunch of photos on the listing that show the contents. A pretty neat book with lots of illustrations.
  2. I take trades if that makes it easier? Thanks for the bump.
  3. That's the only problem with parts especially the large sheetmetal. They are very valuable to the right guy. Finding the right guy is tough. With the lot you have being pretty mixed a buyer is really going to want a deal, as they usually don't deal in everything and tend to be specialized. He is probably going to be very interested in a few things and not the rest. He may take it all but really want a discount to take the stuff he isn't interested in. Craigslist is free so that's a good start. You might even think of selling the 57 Buick Quarter, and Olds Quarter separate. Those by themselves may sell for more than you would get for the load together.
  4. This one is from a 34. Looks about the same. It may even fit earlier years. like Curti suggested. https://sites.google.com/site/identifyinginstrumentpanels/home/radios/oldsmobile-1
  5. Here is an update on the Horn ring. The buyer did manage to return it in one piece. I went right in and refunded the full amount 172.27 through pay pal, which refunded their fees of 4.25. Then I went into ebay to open a case to get a credit for the listing fees. A total of 25.84 They unfortunately informed me that the 30 day time period I had to cancel the transaction had ended so they were keeping the money. So I'm out shipping as well of 10.00 so not bad a loss of 35.84. They now say they want sellers to offer 14 days return policy. A week or so to get their, sometimes a week or more for the buyer to pay and a week for return shipping, not to mention the 14 day time frame for the return means you time out of the time frame to get your fees back. Seems like someone in the ebay accounting department figured out how to not have to refund listing fees. They have a sharp department. They also figured out that selling you shipping at a discount when they buy it at a greater discount makes them money, Charging you a percent of your shipping makes them extra money. Not too bad from a business standpoint. With the talk of vocational schools you are all correct. I graduated in 1993 and they had already dismantled the Vo tech department. There were still tools their and an instructor who knew how to use them, but the only programs offered were introduction to Auto body and introduction to mechanics. I took both, just to be around cars. I struck up a good friendship with the instructor. We remain Friends to this day. He stops by my shop just to shoot the bull. He even helped me set up a Valve grinder I bought at an auction a couple of years ago and showed me how to use it when I did the Valve job on my Chrysler. I know it bothered my Guidance counselor when I wanted to take shop classes as I was a High honors student. (I graduated top of my class) I never attended college. Went to work at a local marina my senior year and worked their starting on the docks and working my up to the shop before I left to go to work for a Carpenter that was starting a new business. I worked their until I ended up running a crew for him, then went to work for Myself. My first Project was a 4,000 square foot camp. (Year round house) I built an addition and a kitchen from scratch for the customer on their other camp then started into the old parts business when I realized I couldn't keep expanding, taking on large projects, without employees. As you know they are hard to find. I liked the idea of working at my own pace and it was nice to get away from the crunch that came with building projects because of weather , materials or other factors that always seemed to hamper things. I still like the parts business. I guess I just like old cars and this way I can do something with them or at least parts of them every day. It's really a shame they Shove the College thing on kids so much. They pushed that stigma of trades even back then. Oh you have to go their? Now I wish I had and skipped the trigonometry classes and gone to the Votech program. I'm still trying to figure out why we needed to learn about imaginary numbers and where you will ever use such theories in real life. They should teach real courses like understanding interest rates and terms as well as budgeting. I don't have a problem with that, but from what I see, that would be a much more important real life course with actual application in the real world. Look how many kids going to college have those problems in their first year.
  6. I just listed a Dealer brochure for 1928, I think, Dodge Brothers Senior cars. Overall pretty good shape for the age but not perfect. There are alot of pages shown in the listing. 14.99 opening bid with no reserve. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=311018993070&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  7. I only have NOS Right hand ones. Just one used LH side. I actually have an equal number of matched NOS pairs so I don't really want to seperate them.
  8. I recently came across a lot of Ford merchandising brochures, Pamphlets, dealer Confidential material, even a few posters. I just started listing it all on Ebay. Here is a link to one auction. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=311017784793&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT There is 1964 and 1/2 mustang introductory material, Truck from 1/2 ton and Ranchero up through Big rigs. Galaxie, Falcon Fairlane Tbird even some lincoln and mercury stuff. Some of it is common stuff, some of it is Cobra and race related stuff. I imagine some of it may be pretty rare. All of it is starting pretty darn cheap. Most 2.99 to 9.99. A few pieces will be a little more. No reserve and I will gladly combine shipping on multiple items, just ask. I also ship international daily so all international buyers are welcome. Here are a few photos of some of the items I just started to list. There will be a bunch more added for atleast a few nights and hopefully more to come in the next few months.
  9. Sure, With enough duct tape it will bolt, well stick right on.
  10. Thanks for the info. I figured it was priced about right. I would have to think a convertible would have to be worth another 50 percent or more so I think I'm in the ball park. I never put the caps on because I was looking for a mint set. I have since discovered they are pretty much impossible to find and the ones I have, would be considered a good set.
  11. I actually don't readily give out my phone number. I like to weed out the tire kickers ahead of time. I'm too busy to listen to all the stories and dreams. I usually get the inquiry can I have your number to ask some questions. I then always respond with I have a bunch more detailed photos I can email you if you want. They will probably help answer alot of your questions. (those usually include Chassis, Close ups of floor pans and other detailed shots that wouldn't fit in the Auction or advertisement.) Usually with that I have a paragraph or so that describes problems you can see in the photos. Then I add if you are still interested or need more photos please let me know. If they want a number from there then I give it. Maybe it's the wrong way to do it, but I'm really busy and have no phone or cell Service at the shop. As it is, after everything, the inquirer contacts me, they usually have me on the phone for a half hour in the end just to tell me well I think your price is too high or I can buy a Plymouth for less money than you want for your Chrysler or you know it's going to cost x number of dollars to paint that car. ( I know all this. The cars are priced where they are taking that into consideration.) I would rather get very detailed photos from someone than their opinion. I don't know how many times I have gone to look at a car that I asked how are the floors etc. Always told , yup they are in good shape. Any rust? Nope it's Solid. Any rust in the quarters? It's solid. Well then when you get their, you walk up for a walk around then drop to one Knee, See enough in 60 seconds to get back in your truck and drive 3 hours home with your empty trailer. A photo of the floors would have told you to not look any further. I've learned to ask for more photos before I get excited about any cars now.
  12. I wonder if my shipping supply company has those stickers in stock? I better stock up as I know I'm out. Thanks for the laugh!
  13. I haven't had a chance to check yet for a used RH, but they are all the same length, so any 2 or 4 door models will fit.
  14. I have a few NOS sets as well as I think one used RH one. I'll have to check on that if you don't find one sooner.
  15. I would write something like that back, but it bothers me to write with such poor grammar and spelling. I guess I paid attention too much in English class and have a little too much respect for our Language to do so. Thanks for that one though. I had to think about the "fraggle sigs " for a minute as well. All I could think of were the Muppets.
  16. Here is the latest on the Steering wheel horn ring mentioned above "Im Sending it Back EXACTLY LIKE CAME RAPPED W/FRAGGLE SIGS ON IT - EXACTLY LIKE IT CAME IS IT POSSIBLE for You to SEND ME A POSTAL MONEY ORDER in Sted EVEN FOR $150.00 I will Be into THIS $190.00 WHEN it Gets Back to You ... n Beleive Me lm Gonna Leave Very Good FEEDBACK SO EVERYONE CAN SEE HOW HONEST N FARE YOU ARE ... " You just can't make this stuff up.
  17. Another interesting event on the Sunday my Vette caught fire. Afterwards, I had the car interior out cleaning off all the white fire fighting agent, so I scattered the parts all over my truck to dry them in the sun. I needed to go my shop 1 mile away to get my wet dry Vac to vacuum the charcoaled white ponds out of the Vette so I grabbed my wife's truck which she had just finished waxing and putting in her garage. I went to the shop loaded up the vac, went to start the truck and click. The battery went right there. Never any warning. I grabbed my Tester which showed dead, so I put it on a charger and even tried boosting it with the charger. Nothing. So I grabbed the Plymouth convertible out of the other bay loaded up the vacuum and headed back to the house. You should have seen the look on my wife's face. "Now what". I told her you're not going to believe it. I know 40 isn't a big deal but with everything else, it just seemed Like I was at the top of the hill on a freefall down the other side. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes. I have to be thankful we are all in good health now, although the whole chain of bad luck started 3 months ago when my wife broke her leg and had to have a rod put in it, 9 months pregnant and then delivered our Daughter Auburn Victoria 8 days later. I'm going to scratch this spring and summer off and just hope for a good fall and great Hershey although I'm not rushing it.
  18. I do offer returns but I don't come right out and say it. Instead I list my policies in my description which ebay for some reason has decided is not as important as their "fits" or "item Condition" box. Why do we need a box to state the items condition and defects when we have the description which is where you describe the item and it's condition. People now just buy on what's listed in the box, never seeing any of the information in the description which usually has as in my case, what to do if you don't get an item as well as other important information such as the exact application, like whether it fits cars with AC and not Power steering or other important information that doesn't fit in the crummy fits box or item condition box. Almost all of my listings state "As with all my parts, if you feel it has an issue once you receive it, please contact me to have it resolved. I value my reputation and try to provide hard to find parts at great if not down right cheap prices to keep our old cars on the road." With having to eat one shipping cost at the least, I don't want to come right out and say sure, buy it, try it so now you have damaged it and it looks used, so I can happily take it back to sell as a used item for less because you didn't read the description. I try to maintain 100 percent positive feedback. Anyone who sells on ebay will tell you that takes alot of schmoozing, admitting the customer who is truly wrong is always right. With the horn ring the guy never did tell me what car he owned but I agreed to a full refund upon safe return of the item. That's 12.00 in shipping right there I loose. I've never had a case against me go to ebay to decide, so I guess that's a bonus. I had this one come in yesterday "Horn relay won't line up/bolt up -- won't fit firewall ... Said"fits 53gmc" " For this item- http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=191237639487 My reply - "I can take a return. The description , which ebay encourages bidders not to read it seems, lists the application. including 55-56 GMC. Let me know if you are going to return it and please in the future on anybodies auction ignore the fits crap that ebay lists. Thanks for contacting me, Randy"
  19. That's the fuel pump the arrow is pointing to. Do you have the black stand in the photo it's bolted to? If not, you will need both. I assume there is a fuel pump push rod inside it that if you don't have the stand you are probably missing that as well. You may be able to find a pump on Ebay. It won't be cheap. Your best bet is to join the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club. There are alot of Cord guys that are members and they have quite a stock of parts. Half the guys I met with one car seemed to have another one or two in parts back home. I'm looking around but haven't found the info for the heads. As soon as I turn it up. I'll post it.
  20. I have a couple but neither are great. My opinion would be to order brand new ones. Someone is making them. The ACD club or website should have the listing. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll dig it up. New heads are the only way to go. Do you really want to tear it down again once you get it all back together because the used ones leak?
  21. It could have been the TH400 as well. I think those came out in 68 or maybe a year earlier.
  22. It didn't officially sell on ebay. A challenged bidder bid on the wrong car. (I'm not quite sure how that happens but anyways) It's still officially for sale I might entertain a close offer in cash only. There is a fully restored one for 43,000 on ebay right now. I bet you will have more fun with this one unless you want to fry in a show field and collect trophies. 17,500 is a long way from 43,000. Serious trades, properly priced, considered.
  23. Ebayers didn't see the value in the car so back to the top on here. I didn't think it was an ebay type of car. Yeah if you put 30,000 in it you will have a very nice number 2 maybe better car that actually runs and drives like one. You will then still have under 70,000 in it. If the car in number 2 condition plus isn't worth 70 I would be really surprised. How many other cars could you buy and get your entire investment out of when you sell it? I can point out thousands for sale that you won't. Trades considered at this point but even trades need to have the same value. Partial trades welcome as well. Wow I think I have been on craigslist to long. Sorry about that. Fair trades and offers considered.
  24. So it continues today. The latest question. "will this fuel pump fit a 1938 chevy?" For this item http://www.ebay.com/itm/191244256856?item=191244256856&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME:X:AAQ:MOTORS:1123&vxp=mtr
  25. Seemed to be the trend in the 1970's. Take a regular production car, gob it with accents from another time and call it a classic. The Stutz blackhwak II and later the Tiffany seemed to try to squeeze all they could out of the craze. Definitely not my forte.
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