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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Rich: <P>Let me tag onto what Howard mentioned. Very true that galvanizers are almost as extinct as foundries are becoming.<P>My thoughts:<P>1. To avoid a high price of a special 2 piece run, call around to a galvanizer and ask what the cost would be if they could put your shields onto some customer's production run while it is being processed. Who knows. You may find a friendly company that would agree to it. Same goes for the following...<P>2. Investigate if the original finish was Hot-dipped galvanize (results are very ugly finish, but, functional. Usually you will see pipe fittings in Hot-dip at a hardware store, for example.) Be careful, as Hot-dip ain't going to come off with paint stripper!!<P>3. Look into "E-Coating" which is an electrolysis process. Finish is nice and smooth with a good texture, and, will protect very well. It will also withstand "heat" for the your application. Simulated Cadmium Paint will not hold up from what I know.<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  2. Welcome aboard, Bob.<P>As I previously mentioned, we can do the coordinating as the time gets closer.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  3. Hey, Rick! If we build this convoy up to the point of a blast, we may never make it out of the Harrisburg area.<P>Regards, Peter
  4. Ernie: <P>As of now, we'll drive down Friday, June 14th. As the date gets closer, we can determine where/when to meet. I will have room in the truck for your gear to lighten the load on your car. <P>Regards, Peter J.
  5. Ernie:<P>Ron Flory from Hummelstown and I plan to follow eachother to Richmond. I will be coming from Reading and meeting Ron somewhere in the area. Both of us will be trailering. No room in either trailer, but, you are more than welcome to join the parade.<BR>We won't be setting land speed records so it will be about 4 to 4 1/2 hours roughly.<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 03-19-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  6. Dave, God speed. It is, of course, your choice.<P>My choice is to wear them constantly. Drive an average of 48-52,000 per year on business and my odds of getting zapped are a lot more than the normal driver.<P>What prompts me to wear them are reading every day of accidents involving death and 90% of the time the text includes: "...the victim was thrown from the vehicle." Man, if that isn't enough to make one a believer. However, "you are on your own, son!!"<P>My father always told me "you can lead them, guide them, but, you cannot live their life for them."<P>Regards, Peter J.<P>
  7. Howard...thank you for spearheading this. Hopefully, it will be chaired with successful results.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  8. Bill. Before I respond with comments, let me ask you a few questions:<P>--How many car(s) have you dumped tons of hours and work into restoring/maintaining for the sole purpose of the benefit of future generations, then rented them to weddings?<P>--How many of them have you restored then rented to weddings and what was the condition when they were returned?<P>(Any scratches, spilled liquids, vomit?)<P>Regards, Peter J.
  9. I had the same problem with 3M. Take the same velcro and apply some contact cement. Worked for me.<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 03-15-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  10. oldscarnut:<P>Thanks for the interesting experience. Your observations sort of confirmed how I suspected.<P>How about this approach. Under owner's name I'll write "Biff and Buffy Montague from the Hamptons" to see if the lack of courtesy improves?<P>Best regards, Peter J. <p>[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  11. Hey, Ron...big 10-4 on that.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  12. One has to realize that the Concours d'Elegance is the Thoroughbred of car shows. A league of its own.<P>A similarity would be a Thoroughbred Horse Show vs. a Quarter Horse in a rodeo.<P>The Concours of the Eastern United States hands out entry forms like confetti. One has to take the trouble of photographing your car from various angles, fill out a list of accomplishments, and, or, history of the car, then send in the package. All at your expense. A committee scrutinizes all submissions, and picks what cars will be invited. This takes a few months with the promise that you will be notified if your car has been selected, or, not. I tried it in 2001 figuring why not? I knew my car is probably not what they were looking for, but, what the heck. Lehigh University is only 1 hour away.<P>In a nut shell, having not heard from them, I had to plan my trips for the Summer. Had to e-mail them 3 times and phone twice to see if my car had been selected. On the 3rd try, a lady finally said no, however, 2 spectator admission tickets would be sent. Never received the tickets which was not a big deal as I was that disappointed with the lack of courtesy at this point I had made up my mind not to attend, even as a spectator.<P>Sound like sour grapes? Maybe. The purpose of airing out is to let you know what league you are in when comparing cost of spectator fees, my experience wasting time and money to enter, and, do you feel your car is worthy. If you are offered an entrance form, be certain to describe your car to the person so time and money will not be for naught. <P> <P> <P> <P> <p>[ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  13. Howdy, Dan. Hope all is well.<P>No I did not notice. <P>I'll tell you, you're more observant than I am.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  14. Heck with the posts. How is Sally? Both legs in casts ain't neat sounding!<P>Regards,<P>Peter J. <p>[ 03-09-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  15. Hello, Dan.<P>Father Ron.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  16. Chuck:<P>Is this the AACA website, or, the NHRA's.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  17. Sorry about the double post. That's what happens when the dog wants to go out and a computer wizard returns, then, arbitrarily hits "add reply" a second time.
  18. split5555: <P>Interesting comment.<P>Sort of let the consumer perform the testing.<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  19. split5555: <P>Interesting comment.<P>Sort of let the consumer perform the testing.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  20. Do not know who originated the "wedge" design. I agree with 1937 that the TR7 & 8 ruined the traditional Triumph. The wedge design actually was the final straw that put them out of business in a nutshell.<P>The following are comments by Richard Newton in his book: "Illustrated Triumph Buyer's Guide" in chapter 12.<P>-"...it was a flying doorstop."<BR>-"Dealers were telling Leyland they wanted a simple, reliable and durable Triumph - the dealers were right." The problem was the TR7 was not simple, not reliable and anthing but durable.<P>-"A blown head gasket was a common malady".<BR>-"...the wiring was a monumental tangle that could tax the patience of a Saint."<BR>-Newton's last comment: "It may be concluded that history will prove the TR7 was a horrible mistake, dead wrong from the drawing board to the production line."<P>I read some years ago about restoring a TR7. The author's opening remark was: STEP ONE: Get an Electrical Engineering degree before proceding to STEP TWO.<P>Regards, Peter J
  21. Dave, just a wild guess. The VW Beetle.
  22. stude8: Thanks for the informative experience. You said it all!!<P>Regards, Peter J.
  23. You are quite welcome, Bob. Alvin said he will post a map at a future, but, timely date. My thanks are to Alvin for getting back today.<P>Personally, I believe the venue to be a good time. Looking forward to it.<P>Regards, Peter J.<p>[ 02-25-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  24. Bob: Alvin Leadbetter, Webmaster of Richmond's home page informs me the show field is the Richmond Speedway. He says it is 6.5 miles in a straight line from the Sheraton Host Hotel.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  25. Just an addendum to what Ron posted.<P>I concur that a spray can from Ace Hardware will not produce satisfactory results. These spray bombs leave a satin type finish and drips is another problem, if applied too heavy.<P>Also, any polish will leave a chemical residue that becomes a barrier between the lacquer and brass part. As Ron pointed out, go to the pros. After polishing, they will properly clean the residue in their process.<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 02-23-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
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