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Jay Wolf

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Posts posted by Jay Wolf

  1. Good call on the truck, I'd have to go a little earlier on the truck maybe a 1927 due to the shape of the lovers and the lack of the word Kenworth above the louvers,. but the headlights look 28 or newer.

    That is my father on the scooter.

    A few newer Wolf Coal and Supply trucks are at


    The old Packard is my Grandfather and my older sister (judy&packard)

    In the race car Photo that is my Dad with his back to the camera talking to

    his driver Fred Horner. As my Father said we may not have won that night but at least we got "Rollover Money" to pay for gas. I think the race car is a 1937 Packard 120.

  2. Great Job by the Kyana Region!

    Just got back from the AACA Southeastern National Fall Meet took lots of pictures.


    I have them on a small PC so it may be slow at times if traffic is heavy.

    Great weather till the drive home, after 100+ miles in the rain you appreciate the improvement in wipers and defroster they have made in the last 50 years.

    But no problems with the 55 Bird other than a few no a lot of rain leaks.

  3. One week from today Sept 22nd, I'll be loading up the 55 T-bird with trailer (1970 Rokon on it.) attached and heading to Jeffersonville. I'll be heading down in the morning and my wife and daughter will driving down later in the day. The T-bird is just too small to pack for 3. Looks like it should be a great show, I hope to see some of you there. Check out the AACA main page for details on the show.

  4. Sorry for any confusion:

    I am not with the AACA museum my only association with AACA is I am a life member.

    The model cars were donated to the Library at Vincennes University.

    We are just going to display them in some of our reading rooms for our Students and patrons to enjoy.

    The Rambler has "1961" cast in to the plastic on the bottom so I think you are right on.

    Most of the bigger die cast one have the year and model cast on the bottoms.

    They are very detailed, on some of them if you turn the rear wheels the drive shaft and the engine fan turn.

    I still have a lot of 7 inch long plastic Classic Era cars to Identify.

  5. Have looks for some used ones. Most Transmission of the day were

    the same inside. I needed a 2nd gear for a 1916 Elgin.

    I found a transmission for a 1918 Dort the outside case was different but the gears were the same. I ended up putting the whole gear set in my old case.

    I ended up selling the cluster gear to a guy who need one for some other teens independent I cant remember the name of and it fit. So find out who made the transmission find out who else they made transmissions for and commit the looks of the gears to memory and start looking.

    You would be surprised at was parts I modified and put in my Elgin to keep it running. I never found anybody at Hershey who said they had parts for an Elgin

    but I bought a lot of parts that fit and Elgin at Hershey.

    One other point if you have to have them made, "Do not Tell them it goes to a car? Tell them it goes to an old mill or something. When I was looking for a place to make a timing gear I only found 2 place capable of making the gear at over $1500 for the first one $200 for each after but neither place's insurance would allow them to make parts for planes, cars, motorcycles or trains.

  6. Several years ago I donated a 16mm film to the AACA Library called

    "The car of your dreams" that was old car commercials.

    I don't know if they still have it or not.

    I know they showed it one year at the Hershey Thursday night movies when they were in the old Ice Rink. I also gave them a VHS copy of it.

    It had most of the commercials mentioned here.

  7. The Pepsi commercial I have is the "Come Alive" that was shot in 1964.

    I had it in 3/4 inch tape but I converted it the VHS (It is B&W I think).

    The one with Hugh I haven't found yet but I would guess it was shot in 88.

    I remember the only Amphicar I had at the time was the white brass trimmed one and they wanted a red one.

    Hugh had left Water Wheels and move to CA, but they brought his red car back to Chicago to shoot the commercial.

    I remember they took the front seat out of the Amphicar so the Mermaid could fit in it. But in the final cut you tell anyway. I think I have video of them shooting the commercial that Hugh sent me.

    I'll have to look for the tape.

    I used to have the Candid Camera skit with the Amphicar but I don't remember ever converting when VHS came out and I don't think the 3/4 tape will play anymore.

  8. Is this the Correct Deduction?

    Last time I judges I took 3 off per tire and was told by my team captain that

    since the tires were there and served their intended function, I could not take off the max deduction. I was told I could only give max deduction if the tires we not present or not in a condition to serve their intended function. So on the scoring sheet 2 per tire was the deduction.

    Does AACA have a set rule on this?

    I have been told both ways?

    Not questioning you just wanting to know what is correct.

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