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Jay Wolf

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Posts posted by Jay Wolf

  1. I wouldn't have a problem if the CJE was Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of Hershey week. I think online CJE's would be great.

    I remember the talk about online CJE's and I think some one even made a demo of one a year or so ago.

  2. The Judging manual states:

    ?All AACA National Judges are required to participate

    in at least one CJE seminar upon

    reaching each Judges Award level, i.e., 10, 25,

    50, 75, 100, 125, etc. Judging credits. All AACA

    judges are also welcome to participate in CJE

    seminars on a voluntary basis as they wish.?

    I currently have 12 credits (one was a CJE 2 years ago at Metropolis).

    Last year 2005 Hershey I reached 10 credits.

    From the Manual would take that to mean I am required to attend a CJE.

    Hershey was the only meet I attended this year and they don?t offer a CJE.

    So I couldn?t take one.

    My question is.

    What is Hershey is thee only meet I attend next year?

    How long of a time do I have to take a CJE?

    Does the one I took when I had 5 credits count as the CJE for 10

    <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

  3. To add to what I have already said. First I have had open and enclosed trailers.

    and let me say this, if I tow a car that can take the wind speed, 1930 or later I will haul on a open trailer.

    First it is more fun, People talk to you, stopped and on the CB, they give you thumbs up.

    Second People let you pull out in front of them to see what you have on the trailer. With and enclosed trailer you can rot before someone lets you pull out in front of them.

    Third the trailer is a lot lighter.

    Fourth Better visibility.

    Fifth. you can see what is happening with the car. (another story)

    Only real disavantages is you have to clean the car at the location. Possible damage. Many old cars top can not take speeds over 45-50 mph. (another story)

    One story I will relate, one year (late 80's)I was trailering to the Illinois Secretary of State Car Show in Springfield about 10 miles out on the interstate I came up behind a late 30's GM sedan on an open trailer with a car cover on it.

    The cover was big, not tight and all the slack had moved to the back and the covers was flapping and whipping something fierce.. I contacted the guy on the CB and told him I thought it was doing damage and it was not a good Idea to tow with the cover on. He replied with "I tow this car all the time this way, it never does any damage."

    It the show I seen the car the cover had broken off the pedestal taillight and trashed the whole back of the car. The light, held on by the wires took the paint off a large circle where it swung. I just walked on figure it was better not to mention that I told him so.

  4. The first Sunday of October every year is the Newport Antique Auto Hill climb.

    It is a must see.

    my photos of last years 2005 are at.


    there are so videos of cars going up the hill. The videos are large and slow to load. The majority of these cars come out off the barn once a year to run the hill. There is also a accompanying car show.

    Cars must be 1942 or old to race the hill.

    Or discontinued makes up till 1955.

    It is a small town,they close the whole town for the swap meet and car show.

  5. Do not cover it.

    Car covers are for storing a car not transportation.

    I have seen lots of damage when people tow a covered car on an open trailer.

    What is the cover going to protect?

    Cars were designed to weather anything that it should get during the move.

    If you are that worried about the car, use an enclosed trailer.

  6. PLans are (as of now subject to change)

    Go to the Newport Antique Auto Hill climb on Sunday (Newport Indiana)leave there late afternnon, drive about 5 or so hours to the midle/east in Ohio spend the night. That would leave us about 5-6 hours from Hershey.

    We may stop at the


    on Monday on the way to Hershey.

    The Packard Museum (Canton) is closed Monday.

    I usually go to the Hillclimb my phoots last year are at.


  7. As usual we will be meeting in Indianpolis, Indiana and heading out to Hershey Sunday or Monday. Does anyone know of any museums, tours or collections we should stop and see on our way.

    We have done several over the years but always looking so an interesting stop.

    If you know any worth stopping at let me know.

    Last year we went up to the Yingling Brewery and that was interesting.

  8. Steve

    I have not signed up to judge this year (yet) because due to my daughters' schedules, I have not attended any AACA National Shows to attend a judging school. For the past 10 years or so I have rode out to Hershey and hung with some friends, so I have to kind of follow their schedule and may not been able to attend a school at Hershey. So I was afraid if I signed up and unable to attend a school, it would be worse than not signing up. Last year at Jefferersonville we the last one I atttended.

  9. Looking though the roster it looks like we are only talking about 20-30 people.

    We thought we would include information about Kyana Region which is the only other region in our area. Try to show the advantages to belong to "a" region, not just our region. Southern Indian in not a strong hold for AACA. Being small do do a lot of joint events with Kyana. We do not want any competition we just was to let all AACA members in our area that we exist and welcome them to join a region.

  10. Not sure where this one should post but here goes.

    On the AACA ?Roster of Members 2006? put out it states

    ?may not be used for any type of solicitation?

    As president of our local region, could I send letter to all members within 150 miles of our region, to let them know we exists, invite them to club functions and solicit membership?

    Is this proper use of the roster or is the forbidden solicitation? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

  11. I will say this as I have no affiliation with Coker.

    For year I used Westley Beach and washed my tires every day after being in the sun all day they were Brown.

    2 years ago I put new Coker Firestone on my 55 T-bird at the time I bought some of the 2 part tire cleaner Coker sells.


    It has been great, last year I washed them drove 300 mile to Dublin OH and never washed the tire when I was there and got a 2nd national in the show.

    I have done the same for the Jeffersonville and Metropolis shows.

    It is a little more work to clean your tires but they stay clean a lot longer and do not turn brown in the sun. I have never used Westleys on my new tires only Cokers.


  12. I would wonder if it is a bumper from one of the Early Sixties lightweight Drag cars? like the max wedge, Thunderbolt or 409's.

    If so it should be worth so $$$.

    I don't know of any 50's cars with aluminum bumpers

  13. I think your information as stated is correct.

    The owner is a 92 year old member of The Lower Ohio Valley evansville Region (LOVeR). Charlie is still very active and has had the car for over 50 years.

    He has a lot of Documentation on it, It has been restored for quite a while it was restored before we started the Region. Charlie and his sons just finish restoring and 55 Studebaker for him as a driver as the big Packard is getting to hard to turn for Charlie. (over 3 tons and big tires)

    I think Charlie told me it was one of the first enclosed Packards.

    Charlie is still very sharp and worth your time to talk to when you see him setting at at meet.

    Here is a picture of the car with windows in and Charlie setting behind it.


    Jay Wolf

    President (LOVeR)

  14. Most of the kits now available you remove the stock Schrader valve and the valve is in the adapter, It allows fo much faster filling so removal of the adapter is not possible without discarging. Also Federal law requires a sticker under the hood noting the conversion. You could remove the blue dust cover that would be about it.

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