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Everything posted by Rock10

  1. I had some of that back in the day. Great stuff.
  2. Bizarre way to run an oil pump. Could it just be blockage to the sight gauge?
  3. No. Still don't have a good angle.
  4. I have air flowing through both tubes now. Not sure how to judge how much. Other than the color change, I don't see any permanent damage to the carb body. Still have to get the tubes back in the nozzles.
  5. I guess that's possible, but the outside was smooth and clean, just like the inside and I thought it was safe for all metals. Good news: one tube is all clear. The other is not. I don't know how clogged it is. Trying to blow back through it. I think trying to blow from the well out through the tubes caused my problem and has packed stuff into the smallest part. Still working on a method to get the job done. I got a swizzle stick/straw that fits over them nicely and allows a spray tube from carb cleaner to fit in the other end. But I can't get it on the clogged tube. The end is cut too sharp and bent too tight. It just slices the straw.
  6. I agree. I was concerned about using vinegar so I went with the safe solution. I'm glad I didn't leave it in for 24 hours like I started to. The inside surfaces don't seem to be degraded but everything is gray.
  7. For reference, here is a pic of the carb before I started. The dirt was cleaned off before it went into the solution.
  8. Here are some pics. The first is the liquid after the soak. You can see it is separating. There were small particles in the bottom of the pot. Next is the carb. You can see the rough texture and the change in color. It feels like about 220 grit sandpaper. All I did was soak it in 50/50 Evapo-Rust and water on the "warm" setting overnight.
  9. Soap and water didn't seem to help.
  10. Everything looked great before. I've soaked it in gasoline and paint thinner and dish soap and water and it looked fine until the overnight in Evapo-rust. My Simple Green soak didn't appear to be doing anything so I put it back in the gas to soak. The exterior surface is slightly gritty and the inside leaves a gray residue on your hands like old water pipe. I'll post pics tomorrow.
  11. Well, bad news. It appears Evapo-rust has a bad effect on whatever these carbs are made of. After soaking overnight in a 50/50 water mixture on the warm setting, I opened up the pot to see the water was gray. I pulled the carb out to see it was gray also and had a rough texture and left gray residue on my hand. I have it soaking in a water/Simple Green solution to hopefully stop the action, but I fear I have damaged the carb. 🤕
  12. Well I got it cooking in a crock pot with 50/50 Evapo-Rust and water. Thinking about throwing in some potatoes and carrots. Any seasoning tips?
  13. I hope it doesn't come to that.
  14. I think if it was a crack, I would have seen water leaking through when I blow on it. I can get a small drip on both sides. You are right on the terminology. The venturi is supposed to be 1 1/32". I plan to soak in in a mixture of Evapo-Rust and water in a crock pot heated overnight to see what happens. The idea of messing with trying to insert the tubes in the nozzles scares me.
  15. I don't see a crack. How do I get those back into the venturis? Will the function just spraying down the side? The car seemed to drive fine before this happened.
  16. This one? https://www.harborfreight.com/25-liter-ultrasonic-cleaner-63256.html I wondered if that would be big enough.
  17. I will try the Evapo-rust and some heat today. I've included some bad pictures trying to show the tubes. They are angle cut on the ends and are right next to holes in the venturis were the gas would shoot through. I don't know if they were supposed to actually be inserted into those holes. But as you can see there is no room the squirt fluid or stick a wire in there. The pic from the bottom shows the holes in the venturis if you look closely.
  18. Do you think vinegar would hurt the tubes?
  19. I saw online that they filled them with hot water from a kettle.
  20. I'm just really scared to try that. If I damage the tubes, there are no replacements. The only thing I've found is a guy selling rebuilt carbs for over $600 and at last check, he didn't have any in stock. I was wondering about a short soak in vinegar but I don't want to damage anything.
  21. I have a small wire that seems to fit the hole, but there is almost no access as the tube is right up against the venturi and the wire isn't stiff enough to push against anything. It just folds up.
  22. Would vinegar hurt the carb?
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