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About 64SportFury426

  • Birthday 03/26/1961

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    Exmore, Va.

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  1. Steve the good most def outweighs the bad.
  2. Same here, got it yesterday....impressive publication!
  3. Same here HEMI Joel, support the organization and receive a small token in return. So, I received a call from them yesterday after my email was received concerning my missing oral portion of the interview. They apologized and told me they could not find it and would be refunding me $50.00. The name of the project is ORAL HISTORY. I expressed my displeasure to her saying if I had known this would happen, I would have never participated at the cost they set. I wonder how many others paid for something they didn't get??
  4. Still cannot find the oral portion of my interview....I emailed them...
  5. Ok, Well I received an email earlier today notifying me that the E Book was available for viewing. I logged on with my username/password and was able to easily find my 'written" portion of my story with photo. I have been scrolling down for over 45 minutes and still cannot find the oral portion. Looks like a lot of guys/gals signed up for this.
  6. AACA a few months ago started a project to gather oral history on its members and their car hobby. It was to be put into a heavy coffee table type publication with the members oral history put into words. I believe AACA contracted an outside source to accomplish this. I paid in advance over $200.00 and the rep who took my info told me they would be available by this summer.
  7. Am I the only one who ordered the book??
  8. Does anyone know if the prepaid oral history books are out yet? Thanks!
  9. You guy's have enlightened me on these Sailun trailer tires. My Goodyear Marathons are now 7 years old on my 22ft 2015 ATC (aluminum) trailer and I was going to try a set of the Goodyear Endurance but now not sure. I have NEVER had a problem with a trailer tire in over 45 years, blowout etc. I have always maintained proper air pressure and bought the best trailer tire I could find. AND, I guess I have replaced them earlier than I should have?? I have always feared the possibilty of a blowout on say any interstate so I guess I have been overly cautious if that's possible?
  10. I just tried to login to renew and got that same message. Never got the email so I will be calling Monday to get it done. This horse has been beat enough! Ha!
  11. It's simple really...With the rust around the back glass,(and there's more once the trim is removed) and rear wheel lips, etc this one should be restored. The hood blackout cannot be corrected. The engine has already been pulled and rebuilt along with the engine compartment re painted. The car's survivor status has been compromised. I would have taken a 1000 photo's like I'm sure you have done and return that GSX back to its former glory. I am a 100% purist who has owned lots of original paint survivor cars so I don't offer this info without experience.
  12. This is how you stay young! Thanks for posting!
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