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About PreWarQc

  • Birthday 03/11/1979

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  1. I don't see ''crap'' going on in the market... It is a really interesting hobby BUT it is a complicated one as you need A LOT of space, money and knowledge. All things that people have less and less of... There is also other factors that come into play for buyers; will I have parts support, will I get help from other club members, will the club even survive? Those questions were not asked 10-20 years ago because the answer was obviously ''yes''... but today, who knows if the Nash club will be around in 10-15 years. Am I willing to buy a 1929 Nash for 20 000$ knowing I might possibly be on my own in 10 years with 'nearly impossible to find parts' for repair? You don't ask yourself those questions if you are an 80yo owner... but if you are 30 or 40 and looking to buy and have a minimum of common sense, you will. The hobby is not going away, but it will shrink... how much it shrinks (I think) depends partially on the current owners/club members behavior. And to witness such idiotic and infentile reaction because he did not get what he wanted for his car, does not look very good...for people peeking into the antique car world, people who might develop an interest for the hobby...
  2. 16-18k (Canadian... yes, should of specified.) I have not been looking at the market in over a year but if those cars represent the current trend (or market price-even in us currency) well I have to say that it is true, prices have started to go down. But I made my choice and I'm happy with it!
  3. Those cars (from what I see) have little to do with the list you showed from Hemmings... Why try to prove your point by showing me (what seem to be) extremly good deals? Good deals are not representative of the market as a whole and are very rare. Never said I wanted a Pierce-Arrow. I would of liked a model A but there is none in GOOD shape under 16-18k I'm not complaining, I'm giving my opinion. Younger guys have more choice... they can buy something between 1900 and 2019... They can tune, mod, drag, drift, lowride. If I like a Model A JUST AS MUCH as a Supra, Camaro, Mustang, , why would I spend twice the amount to buy a model A? I'm going to have just as much fun with my Mustang and I'll probably meet more guys my age anyway... So THIS is the answer to the questions you guys ask youselves at your meets (why is there no younger guys here?) I'm ready to bet that its not out of lack of interest but rather when a young guy has 10 000$ to put on a car and sees (if he's interested in pre war cars) a rusted car from the 20's with mold all over the interior uphostery and then he sees a car from his youth like a Camaro IROCZ in near new condition for 10 000$ what do you think he'll choose?
  4. Did you take a good look at those cars? They are all restoration projects... most need frame off. Some look nice if you look fast with their ''20 footer'' paint but when you turn the picture, yikes! I don't think seeing the road through the footwell is a good sign. Some have not moved for decades.
  5. I agree with this up to a point... I mainly think that prices are kept artificially high. I would not say prices are in the stratosphere but they are high enough to keep a lot of potential enthusiasm OUT of the hobby and lots of ''investors'' with no real interest in cars - IN. Short term this is great for prices, but long term, you are not building a real base of enthusiasm and people have no choice but to pay a high price (those who can - and investors). Its a well inflated bubble, keeping new buyers out and old investors or people with a lot of money in... but lets say with stocks, when the prices fall, young people will buy... with cars, you need real enthusiasm to buy when the price is low and I doubt there will be a lot left in the coming years.
  6. If you hear ''nya, nya, nya'', it is only created by your imagination. I noticed from my previous thread that some members have a bad habit of creating things in their mind that do not exist... I'm very happy with my car, even if its more recent. The basic idea is not to own the oldest car around but simply to get into the hobby. I would of enjoyed a pre-war car also. So it is not ''victory'' for me, it simply is what it is, you don't need to add anything else to the story.
  7. I posted on this forum about a year ago pointing out the fact that pre war cars were desirable to less and less potential buyers and that the price of all (except of course ''pre war greats'') should and MUST go down in order to renew interest in younger generations. What I mentioned was that older guys STUBBORNLY hold on to a price they think is still pertinent and DO NOT budge. So, year after year, we all see the same cars (with the same owner) come back in the classified adds trying to sell their cars the amount they think its worth or based on false evaluation/value guides. Again, a car is only worth what people are willing to pay and for pre war cars, very few are willing to pay what people are asking and so, they rarely sell. Some RARE younger guys like me would be willing to buy one (for less money of course) but its impossible to make pre war cars owners understand that their cars are not worth what they used to. So they look for a potential car to buy for a few months, or in my case, a few years and when we realize that a good car at a realistic price is simply not possible, we simply move on. So I've been looking for a few years for a good buy on a pre war car but came to the conclusion that most owners live in another world so I gave up on the pre war market and looked at cars from my own genereation. So last winter I bought an extremely well preserved SN95 Mustang convertible. At less than half the price of a pre war car I have a perfect car with minimum wear. I also enjoy the fact that guys from my own generation also enjoy looking and talking about the car because they can relate to it. I still enjoy reading about and looking at pre war cars but I'm very happy with how things turned out and will not be buying a pre war car anytime soon... I know from experience that posting this kind of message on this forum will bring me all sorts of aggressive replies (as it was with my original post) but I really don't care. My intention here is maybe to wake some of you guys up, and so maybe help save what is indeed a dying part of the hobby.
  8. Well yes, that picture and the fact that they'd never let anything go, is the definition of hoarding. Whether you want to or not, Bob. I'm happy this has been entertaining for you all.
  9. Hoarding makes some people feel secure I guess. What can be said, if it works for them… The trucks in the bushes (from the links) are really nice.
  10. I did not know there was a car exposition in the Science and Tech museum in Ottawa! Do they have cars from the pre-war era? I went on their web site and only saw cars from the 50’s. I know my kids love cars from the 50’s since I’ve owned one a couple of years ago and they loved it. Especially the fact that they could take a ride without a seatbelt. Thanks!
  11. I’m not going to debate why what you just laid out is completely off the tracks. But one thing is for sure, I don’t care about your car, I don’t want it… you want to insult me because I’m hesitant in spending my hard-earned money? How is that something bad? It does not affect you whether I buy a pre-war or not so what is the problem? If you die, I’m not going to rejoice in the fact that I’m going to get a cheap deal, I’d rather have no car and see you in perfect health and enjoy your car… by God, this is the truth. Do you really think I wish people die so that prices come down? That’s just insane... I’ve seen a lot of people die, enough to know that death is not an old man/woman thing… it’s a human thing. I know from experience that I can die much sooner than you can… its very very possible. Do you think I worry about the deal someone will make on my Ford Flex or my Jetta if I pass and resent them for the deal they’ll have because of my passing? Come on, you can be wiser than that. I’m sure you wrote that without really thinking about it or in a bubble of anxiety towards God knows what. But be at peace, honestly, its ok. No harm no foul.
  12. Very interesting reply, thank you.
  13. I agree, it all comes down to the individual. As many older gents are crooks as young ones.
  14. Thank you. The top of my list is a 1930 Essex Super Six sedan. Otherwise, I prefer cars from the late 10'', early 20'... Studebaker Special 6 would be nice but I don't think I've ever seen a car from this period that I don't like... they are all pretty spectacular to me. I’m curious… what car would that be? Agreed. Thank you, very nice of you.
  15. I did not read this gentleman’s reply as I felt in the first sentence that it would be way over the line… so I did not see that he made a derogatory comment about my origins. Thank you for taking a stand, I appreciate it. Also, for your open mind in this post and previous ones. Our history is more deeply intertwined that we can imagine. I’ve got ancestors that were founders of cities in the states interestingly enough, the city of Detroit, along with others. One was at one time one of, if not the largest land holder in your country and I’m always fascinated about how much we are much more alike when we start to dig deep. There are almost as much Americans of French-Canadian descent than there is French-Canadians. One only need to travel to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, upstate NY… to take notice of this. Nothing justifies being insulted obviously what ever origin, but in this case, it does not even make any sense from a cultural perspective.
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