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Posts posted by Pilgrim65

  1. A few weeks back I posted a photo of a friends daughter and her friend sitting on Ruby .and a couple of days ago the young ladies aunt visited us and said she liked the photo and wanted a photo of herself with Ruby , never miss a chance ! ?


    • Like 8
  2. Hi Lamar 

    just to add additional info , I enclose photos of my 53 Buick Owners Guide , same jack as mine , I would say it amazes me that the upright takes all that weight of my car and I bet supers and road masters weigh more and use same jack , Buick tried and tested I guess.



    • Thanks 1
  3. I know there's been plenty said on here about white wall tyres , Coker whites , preferred width of white band etc.

    However as one of my tyres with an inch white band has just blown ,  having trouble sourcing another over here . Have managed to buy correct size 225/75 , 15 inch but no white so have bought a set of Atlas 2 inch whitewall addons (eBay) , wondered if any members had tried such? And how successful. Probably not to many of you in states as you can easily buy real ones.



  4. On 03/08/2017 at 4:18 PM, Elpad said:

    Cuba is a Pandora's box

    Here is another Colonial style building and a 50 Buick (looks like a Special) not sure

    The picture may have been posted before 


    Hi Elpad ,  you sparked my interest as the car is probably a special ,but also with the term colonial style ,  as I had previously thought colonial style buildings referred to British mainly Georgian buildings which was the style when many of the colonies were set up , but your post prompted me to look further as I didn't  think Cuba was ever a  British colony ,  probably Spanish . So today I've learned that colonial style refers to the style of the mother country, not particularly British . Interesting photo particularly as I'm keen on architecture, should have known from the arches and decorative balconies,not British. 

    Sorry to go off topic ,but it was the car that initially got my attention.? Thanks 

  5. Me , purely an assistant , surprise, mechanic says play in rear bearing normal for 50s car , local chap who diagnosed rear bearing , great guy but not accostumed to classics . Actual problem appears to be to much play in front bearing passenger side , adjusted up , drives ok , early days though only been 1/2 mile . Taking Ruby out tonight with neighbours for fish and chips ! Their choice ? Fingers crossed.

    thanks to you guys for advice and support.




  6. Cheers Bernie , will pass on information to a couple of good mechanics that look after most of the cars in the classic car club.

    bit  beyond my skills .

    investigating tomorrow , will post later.


  7. Hi guys 

    remember I posted Ruby's revenge , when wheel came off, thought at the time no damage apart from scuff of tyre and small paint chip on arch, well I was wrong driving Ruby last week end suddenly experienced a terrible shudder , thought wheel was coming off again , stopped and  checked but bolts in place , crawled home , very stressful . Friend came today jacked her up , bearing gone! Question how easy to change?



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