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Scott Bonesteel

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Everything posted by Scott Bonesteel

  1. Dave--Would an original blueprint for a 34 Plymouth hubcap help? See attached.
  2. Great call on the Pathfinder. I thought this one had you guys stumped for awhile.
  3. Not 34 Plymouth. The rear quarter windows are too wide. Plymouth also had opening rear quarter windows but they were narrower. In addition, although somebody's cousin is right in the way, I think you can see that the rear panel is starting to slope outward. The 34 Dodge has a duck-tail type rear panel, not cropped short like the 34 Plymouth shown above in Leif's photo. From what you can see, if it was a 34 Plymouth I would think you should be able to already see the panel bending in or perhaps even the lower body detail line. Although 34 Plymouths (at least the PE and PF models) also had the 'dual function' front door window vents, car is definitely not 34 Plymouth. I'm thinking 34 Dodge although I am not familiar enough with 34 Chryslers to rule them out. Anybody for a Desoto? Attached pictures, in order, 34 Dodge sedan rear and my 34 Plymouth PE 4-dr.
  4. You are probably right about the copper. My reference was basically to the color as distinguished from the nickel. Attached is a photo of the emblem and it looks like copper.
  5. Probably has to be a 33 because the edging around the Plymouth emblem is brass and not nickel--I have never seen a 34 with anything other than nickel on the cloisonné edges.
  6. OK, took me awhile, but here are the pictures of the seat tracks and floorboard. Both are original 34 Plymouth. The tracks are slightly different from the 33 tracks your pictures show but I have a set identical to yours that were obviously originals in my 34 PE 4-dr sedan, which is a very early production (by the body number and it has the early style 34 grille shell) so I assume they were left over 33 parts. Those tracks are the same length as the 34s in these pictures, they mount to an identical seat frame, so the mounting dimensions are probably the same. The rear mounting bolt is 4-1/2" from the rear edge of the floorboard. As stated in my earlier post, this places the seat right up against the top well when the seat is all the way back on the tracks. PS, I have a 525x17 sidemount cover that is probably 32 or 33 if you or anyone else is interested. Doesn't work with my 34s.
  7. If the one in New York doesn't work out, come out to San Diego-- I have one from a 34 Plymouth coupe. Not sure of the ratio.
  8. This is a spare tire cover emblem from a 34 Plymouth. The small stud below helps keep it from rotating, the upper part came with a brass grommet type shaft (hollow) that was bent over at the factory to secure it to the sheet metal spare cover. They usually are gone when they have been removed from the covers unless someone has been REALLY careful. The silver trim says it is 34, the fact that it says 'Motors' instead of 'Corp.' means it is 34 and not 35. See attached picture of the one on my 34 PE. Not a grille emblem, those are flat on the 34 with a single square boss with a threaded hole in it. Not a trunk rack emblem, those are about the same as the grille emblems except with a very slight curve to them, not as curved as the spare tire cover emblems.
  9. Terry--Thank you for the input. I actually framed and matter the print and as originally found, it was in a small, period frame and glass, without a mat, mounted on very thin backing. There was no border whatsoever and nothing regarding the printer or any other lettering. If it had a border, it was trimmed off before it was framed long ago. I carefully attempted to lift the edge of the print, which is on very thin paper, and it was clear there was nothing on the back. It is a true lithograph. Like you, I really like the image, I just wish I could identify where it came from. Perhaps it is lost to the ages. While I note the wings on the figure, the outfit still looks to me like an early motorist--I am very familiar with flying garb of the time and this looks to be way too loose and the hat/head covering is nothing like anything I have seen on pilots of the period. Thanks again. SMB
  10. OK, somebody must recognize this one. Picked it up about a year ago, was advertised as a "WWI Pilot" when it clearly looks like an early motorist in a duster, cap and goggles. It is an original lithograph on very thin paper with nothing on the reverse. I have never seen another one like it and, obviously, it has no lettering to help identify it. Early ad for road flares? You got me, I just love the image.
  11. Chris--Will yank the seat out and shoot a couple of pictures and post them Saturday. SMB
  12. Chris--Car is looking great, you are moving along much faster than I am on my 34. On the door dovetails, I don't have any but Dave at Dodge City in Jamestown apparently has some. On the package tray, my metal man fabricated the tray on my 34 based upon the photo of the red 34 further up in this thread and following the curve on the back of the seat frame. We left it moveable (attached with sheet metal screws temporarily, to be welded when finalized) and I have just finally located and trimmed it. Used the dimensions I had, plus those in the AACA Dodge forum on the convertible 34 that is being built there, which match up with the ones you have. As you can see from the photos, the positioning leaves enough for the top, including the header bow, to fold into the well. In addition, with the front of the well located where it is, when the seat--which is installed on the original floorboard, in the original mounting holes--is pushed all the way back (i.e., in the last notch), the seat basically snugs up against the well. Probably as close as I am going to get it. Keep up the good work, your 33 is looking great. One comment, I think the black under the hood (on the front of the cowl) is more of a gloss or semi-gloss, at least that is what I have seen on the original cowls I have seen. Plymouth club guys are probably the best authority on this one. SMB
  13. Chris--We all know that there are often differences between the factory advertising material and the way cars actually left the plant, but attached is taken from the 33 sales brochure, showing the vermillion reveal on a gray convertible. SMB
  14. Those of us who knew Al miss him still, despite his passing years ago. He was a great help to all of us with 33 and 34 Plymouths and Dodges. Just for clarification, the Dodge 'cabriolet' in the lineup was actually a roadster pickup. Don't know what happened to it, whether Mike Northcott (also passed away, former operator of Dodge City) bought it as part of the splitting up of Al's inventory. I know Mike got some of it, some of it went to Sacramento and some went to Roger Hamilton.
  15. Ok, here are a couple of photos of the top well we built for my 34. Keep in mind that it is NOT COMPLETED and I still think the front needs to come back about 1 inch more before I weld it up. I am also trying to get an exact 'B' dimension from a solid original car.
  16. Chris--I don't have those dimensions that I can represent as 'original'. Attached is a photo of my convertible when we dug it out of a ditch in the mountains--the seat surround had been cut out, so we 'estimated' the distance when we fabricated a replacement, based upon photos. upon where the top bows fold up, i.e., the bows have to clear the seat surround and fit into the well, and that the seat has to nestle into the surround. The photo of the red 34 convertible under resto that is in this thread further up is the major source I used for creating the replacement. SMB
  17. Chris-- Here are a couple of photos of the standard closed car rear view mirror. It mounts through the header panel into the body at the top edge of the windshield opening. Obviously, this type will not fit any of the open cars, 33 or 34, where the mirror bracket attaches directly to the windshield frame. At least the 34 parts books show only one type for any of the closed cars and I have never seen any other style than this one on a 34 closed car. Hope this helps somebody. SMB
  18. Chris--Spent some time looking at photos on the web, think you are right on the posts, probably 31 Chevy cabriolet. As to the part numbers on the Mopar windshield posts, my books show all the same numbers for the posts and the insert glass channel run for the 33 PD Plymouth, 33 DP Dodge, 34 PE Plymouth and 34 DR Dodge. Those numbers are: Right Windshield Post 452142; Left Windshield Post 452143; Right Glass Run 452435; Left Glass Run 452436. On the discussion we had regarding the rear view mirror, I think your 33 and my 34, although they use the same posts and brackets, have different rear view mirrors. The ball stud and pivot shown in your pictures is similar to the bracket I have seen on 33 closed cars, although the actual attaching bracket is different--closed cars the attaching plate has a bend in it such that the screws attach vertically instead of horizontally into the convertible top windshield frame. The 34 cars have a similar bracket but the mirror clamp is different, it being formed from one 'cup shaped' bracket into which slides a lower half, adjusted with a long machine screw. I am betting, since the parts books show that the 34 rear view mirror bracket and clamp assembly, 625549, is a 'new' number, never used by Plymouth before. The 33 is listed as two separate parts, a 610284 bracket and a 610288 'clamp assembly'. That description matches up with what your photos show on your 33. I am betting that the 34 is similar to the closed car except chrome and attached horizontally to the top windshield frame. Something else for me to try to find. Thanks again Chris. SMB
  19. Chris--Thanks again for all of the photos and info, motivating me to get my 34 convert on the road. On the frames interchanging, that does appear to be true of at least the 33 and 34 Plymouth converts, which matches up with the part books that show the same part numbers for both. I don't know about other Mopar products and I offer as an example a couple of photos of a set of very similar windshield posts, slightly differenct reveal, glass channel more centered, slight differences throughout. Maybe Ed Peterson or Jim Benjaminson of the Plymouth club have an answer. Keep up the good work on your 33. SMB
  20. Chris--What is the distance between the center lines of the outside rear view mirror mounting holes? I know the center hole is only one side and for the bumper that hits the hood center strip. Do you have remnants of the original bumper and, if so, what does it look like? Thanks. SMB
  21. As a little further help, if you still need it, here is a photo of a 34 convertible coupe (in my case, Plymouth) window frame assembly, part #475067 (right side) so you know approximately what you are looking for. You could modify a set from a closed car but the distances between the frame edge and the locking lever are different, so the modification would be fairly complex.
  22. One of my favorite old films since I have a 34 PE convertible coupe I'm slowly working on. Attached is a cut from 'Punch Drunks'. Although if you want to talk REALLY rare, catch the 34 Plymouth woody in 'Dark Victory' with Bette Davis.
  23. Dave--Actually what I am looking for is a set of front door window garnish frames for a coupe, both sides. (and while you're out looking through Mike's stuff, see if you can find a set for a 34 convertible. I really do need to get back up to Jamestown. Maybe Roger and I will make a run up there. Thanks. Scott B.
  24. Still have the window frames? I'm interested. Thanks. SMB
  25. Tom--Here is a picture of a 34 PE floorboard which is basically the same as the 33, with some slight differences. The mounting is the same. It is all one piece and sits on top of the angled supports on either side that Chris discussed. These supports are notoriously weak and they always bend where they are welded to the floor and generally bend. I am not sure what the backing is on a 33 but my 34 Dodge humpback panel (which is basically the same in this area as a 33 Dodge/Plymouth) has a small block of wood attached to the underside to support it. In any event, the floor is one piece of steel, with the holes in it for the shifter, throttle rod and parking brake handle. SMB
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