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ericmac last won the day on December 16 2023

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About ericmac

  • Birthday November 22

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  1. I love watching how you break repairs down into simple, understandable steps. Those looks like a very worthwhile project.
  2. I am impressed by your dedication to doing everything 100% correctly. The car looks fantastic.
  3. I too am guilty of liking the breezeway windowed Mercury's...and Lincolns too. A next door neighbor had two when I was a kid and I have been smitten ever since. It's a good thing this car is all the way across the country from me.
  4. This car is a heck of a deal. I spent that much for an original,but vastly inferior car a few years ago.
  5. The nickel is back from the plater (well, most of it). Now we begin working on subassemblies. It's coming along.
  6. I remember riding up behind one of these that was stopped at a traffic light. I was on my bicycle and immediately rode home and put it on my list of cars to own. Such was my impression of the wrap around window and taillamp arrangement. This car is such a give-away that I'd be tempted to buy it just to look at that window and light arrangement any time I so chose!
  7. As many of you know I am neck deep in the restoration of a similar car, indeed one that was in worse shape than this. Had it not been my dad's first car it probably would have been a parts car also. As such, a restoration of one of these really can only be done by someone who loves the car...really loves the car. Hopefully this car will meet just such an admirer.
  8. Over the years I have owned 12 of these cars but I do not have one now. I find this car highly appealing but probably would spend more restoring the chrome on this one than I would spend on a better car that could be used now.
  9. Some time ago I bought a pretty beat up 61 Lincoln promo. I just completed the restoration which is not perfect but a real improvement. I probably should have taken a couple before photos.I am still looking for a hood ornament. You would be excused for thinking I have a thing for blue Lincolns but I was just building models of cars I either liked or owned.
  10. The engine is in the chassis. This was a big step forward.
  11. The engine is going in tomorrow. Can't wait.
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