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Query buying 1929 Packard


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I'm from Sydney Australia and interested in buying a 1929 Packard 626 which was a 4 door sedan but has been converted into a 5 window coupe. It was a "restoration " done over a number of years by a retired bank manager - all the mechanicals seem OK but because of the conversion I am worried as to the car's suitability. I am also interested in trying to obtain a valuation as it is going to auction in just over 2 days time and I don't want to pay over the odds for it. I did contact a member of the Packard Automobile Club of Australia who advised in his opinion it would be valued up to $20,000.00 (Approx USD$17,000.00)

Attached is a link to the auctioneers website if you'd like to view the car in question


I would appreciate any advice particularly as to it's perceived value.

Thanks in anticipation


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tbirdman and also Dave Fields,

Thanks for taking the time to review and reply to my request.

Even though the steering wheel is on the wrong side I'm still likely to buy the car as it will help when trying to overcome the different rotation of water down the plughole here downunder.

Regarding Dave's view that it might be another body - I understand that it is a cut down sedan with a fabricated rear trunk. There are numerous ripples in the body around this area which are commented on in the inspection report on the auctioners website (When there Click on - "Download NRMA Report" to view).

Actually I have always admired Packards - from being a 9 year old kid in Indonesia in 1955 when on as number of occassions I saw President Sukarno's motorcade comprising Packards and Cadiallics roaring through the streets of Jakarta accompanied by a flotilla of MP's on Harleys fore and aft! That said, although the '29 coupe seems a bit of a [censored], to coin a phrase, I fully intend to bid for it at the auction, hopefully successfully.

Will let you know how it pans out.

Thanks again

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Second thoughts on the car...you may spend more money on making a "modified" car into a nice car. If you could stretch your budget, you might find a car for maybe 30-40% more which sound like a lot, but you then have a authenic classic car without the headaches of trying to make it right.

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It's 5:15AM Monday morning here in Sydney, with Auction starting at 7:00PM Sydney time this evening - I think its something like an 10 to 12 hour time difference with the USA as per the time stamps on my posts. Been awake since 1:18AM as I'm nervous because this is my fist auction.

Thanks for your concern tbirdman but, and this happens, I've fallen in love with the car because of/or despite any faults it has - including the major body modification!

I've now got a better idea of the car's value thanks to yourself and Dave Fields together with some advice from my brother's good friend who was in the limo business and has close ties to a guy with 2 x Sedans and 1 Stretch Limo all 37/38 Packards, apparently they are amazing and will probably be coming up for sale within the next year - If they do I'll post the details for anyone interested!

That's all for now, and as I probably won't be able to get to the internet until after the auction I'll update then as to what happened.


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Now 8:50PM Monday Sydney time - Auction finished about 3/4 of an hour ago and unfortunately I was outbid.

Winning bid was Aust Dollars $36,000.00 = USD$29500.00 Approx at current exchange rates. Thanks for the help along the way but this only means the hunt has just begun. Be back in touch when I find another.

Thanks again


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I was outbid.

Winning bid was Aust Dollars $36,000.00 = USD$29500.00 Approx at current exchange rates. </div></div> That is the problem with auctions someone out there always has the way and means to raise the bar.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Seems like a lot of money for a car of uncertain lineage. </div></div>

I think the car I found which was the 32 Sedan that had been converted into a boat tail speedster at the asking price of double this car would had been a better buy. I agree that the $30K price was too much.

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