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Sad news: Craft Centre to be demolished

Guest F14CRAZY

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I guess the best course of action is to write a letter to GM and see what they say. I have no idea what their response may be. My guess is that they are going to sight some sort of legal reason why they are not going to let the public have access to the building. Lawsuits are everywhere these days, and I would think that GM would be afraid of being sued, should someone get injuried.

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Guest EDBS0

Guys...you are not alone in this wish.

I would recommend that you contact the demolisher and offer to be the official ebay auctioneer.

Your duties to choose interesting artifacts and auction them on ebay.

50% to you the balance to the salvage company. There is only an upside to the salvage company and to you too!

Second option.

Do phone GM and stress how important GM Forums are to client satisfaction, and repeat purchasers and ask that access be given to the building to salvage interesting artifacts. GM benefits and you benefit. You are speaking on behalf of the complete forum. Perhaps Barney would have the appropriate, seniority and savvy to pull this off. Go for it Mr. Eaton. They can only say no. And if they say YES!

Another back door entry would be through a local Buick dealership.

General Motors Corporation

P.O. Box 33170

Detroit, MI 48232-5170

Or try using this form

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When GM tore down the Fisher Body plant in Trenton NJ a few years ago. A few guys set up a Midnight raid to get some stuff to remember the plant by. I got two bricks and a entrance sign.

Sometimes better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Use best judgement!

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Guest EDBS0

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Sometimes better to ask forgiveness than permission.</div></div>

My long lost twin. That is how I usually govern my life. So far so good.

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Guest F14CRAZY

Would I be shunned if I were to take a sign or something, because it's technically stealing, or would I be phraised for saving a piece of history from being scrapped/trashed?

Besides like signs and stuff, I'm not sure what artifacts are within, since a number of cars have been made there since 1991.

What if Reatta tooling is in there somewhere...

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Guest CL_Reatta

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> ill send a letter(s) to gm if some one gets me the right email address. </div></div>

Im not to sure about e-mail, I think snail mail would work best....I already asked about the craft centre via email a few months ago, and never recieved a response back

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Phil when I was working at the Craft Center they would bring in tooling, weld guns etc. from other plants that had tool change over and try to use it, I have not been in the plant since 1989 but I was told it was gutted and re-tooled so any thing that is in there probably would not be from the Reatta era.

Boy I wish I never thru the pic's away of inside the plant when I worked there.

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Guest TommyH

well.......can somebody tell me at least where to send a letter, because i really, reaally want the 'lansing craft centre' sign. like really bad......please?

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Balls, boy, balls! That's what gets you through life. Buy four GM baseball caps, then all of you wear 'em with white short-sleeve shirts and dark khakiis. Rent a truck with a rear hoist large enough to lift the sign; drive up like you own the place, shuffle through a pile of papers, pick one out* and place it atop your clipboard (all this while people are watching) -- and go to work. Make sure you have an official-looking toolbox.

<span style="font-weight: bold">-- ALF</span>

* Be creative in doing this sheet, but be careful not to use GM letterhead or anything that could become evidence. Use some language like WORK ORDER FOR PICK-UP OF LANSING SIGN AND DELIVERY TO MUSEUM, with a bunch of mumbo-jumbo on dates, etc.

CAVEAT: This post is for entertainment only, and should not be interpreted as an invitation or encouragement to commit a crime. Crime is <span style="font-style: italic">no bueno</span> as it tends to make you a criminal.

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Guest kennyw

know how you feel. The Baltimore plant is now down. The oldest Gm. plant in the u.s. Built in 1935. All I got was memories..........ken

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Guest TommyH

I contacted GM, and this is what they said, and they even called me to let me kow that they sent me an email!

Dear Mr. Hickman,

Thank you for contacting the Buick Customer Assistance Center. We appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to your inquiry.

Mr. Hickman, I would advise you to contact the Lansing Craft Center and speak with a person in the administration department concerning your desire to purchase some of the center's merchandise crafts. I am certain that they would be able to assist you or direct you to the person(s) you would need to communicate to regarding your request.

If you should need to contact us in the future, simply reply to this message or call our Buick Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-521-7300. Customer Relationship Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

For more information regarding the maintenance and care of your vehicle, please visit www.mygmlink.com. This free online service offers vehicle and ownership-related information and tools tailored to your specific Buick.

Again, thank you for contacting Buick.


The Buick Consumer Support Team

"We here at General Motors support Buckle Up America. We encourage you, your family and your friends to always Buckle Up!"

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Guest CL_Reatta

So call up people in the craft centre??? I did not know that there were people still there???? maybe I am wrong?....well atleast they actually wrote you back, they never even responded to mine.

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Guest TommyH

Dear Mr. Hickman,

Thank you kindly for your email response concerning the Lansing Craft Center. I truly apologize however I am afraid that I do not have a telephone number for the Center. I would advise you to check 411 on line or speak with directory assistance. In addition, you may wish to search for the Lansing Craft Center on line to obtain information or an email address where you could contact them.

Once again, I apologize that I am unable to assist you with a telephone number. I thank you for contacting General Motors Mr. Hickman.


MaryLynn McGregor Leach

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They responded to him, because he apparently wanted to BUY merchandise. With General Motors in such a low, of course they'll reply to inquiries that might MAKE them money. Sad though, that another Buick historical site is getting the ball.

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Guest EDBS0

If you are close enough to go there, then go, and get the phone number of the demolisher or better yet talk to him.

Legally the demolisher may already own the building and fixtures.

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Guest F14CRAZY

I'm certain it's MCM, for they're doing Lansing Car Assembly and did Buick City. They have a phone number on their signs, so I'll post back with the number tomorrow or in a couple days.

Their signs always say "demolition means progress" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />. I'm sure that upped the spirits of the citizens of Flint...

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Guest Tammy

It's a good thing I don't live there. I'd be there with my van ready to fill it FULL. You can make all kinds of stuff with wood trim, bricks, old windows, rocks, pebbles, tin, metal, wood of any type/kind,paper, etc. I know I would have fun shopping! They have to haul it away. It costs them $ to do this. Be prepared, gloves, knife, pliers, hammer, sledge hammer, cordless drill/saw, buckets, old blankets, sweat cloth to wipe your eyes from cring with JOY JOY JOY! I've done this before, talk to the right guy, you will have very limited time. They don't want to waste gas/time on you getting in the way nor they can't have you in the way...

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Guest F14CRAZY

They're not doing anything at the Craft Centre yet, don't even have the fence up, but I'll stop by the office at LCA and try to ask.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">know how you feel. The Baltimore plant is now down. The oldest Gm. plant in the u.s. Built in 1935. All I got was memories..........ken </div></div>

Hey Ken, Long time no see! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

You know, I found out that the '85 Astro I have is one of the plant's first (from the 1st year they were producing them down there!). You want it, LOL!

Seriously, it needs a new motor now, so I'm debating (HEAVILY) on donating it to the School of the Blind or League for the Handicapped as a People/Dog transporter or just keeping her and converting her to a newer, fuel injected 4.3L. GOD I wish I had more money and time!!!! Almost 5yrs of dependable service as a work truck even though she had bad lifters and a stuck rocker when I was given her. Another great and under-appreciated GM product!

I wish I could get up to Michigan before they tear it down (not likely if it's this year). <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> "demolition means progress" </div></div>

If that's not an Orwellian statement... I don't know what is.

Just in case......

Orwellian describes a situation, idea, or condition that George Orwell identified as being inimical to the welfare of a free-society. An attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past (including the "unperson"--a person whose past existence is expunged) practiced by modern repressive governments. Often, this includes the situations depicted in his fictional novels, particularly his political novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell's ideas on personal freedom and state authority developed during his time as a British colonial administrator in Burma. He was fascinated by the effect of colonialism on the individual; it requires accepting the lie that the oppressor exists for one's own good. This perverts the humanity of both the oppressor and the oppressed.


The term "Orwellian" refers to the following behavior of "the state" or "the party" (especially when the party is the state):

The state's manipulation of language for political ends. Obfuscation in naming is a favorite; e.g. WAR IS PEACE. The state's use of language is designed to reduce or eliminate ideas deemed dangerous to its authority.

Invasion of personal privacy by the state, whether physically or by means of surveillance.

The exercise of total state control in the daily life of citizens, as in a "Big Brother" society.

The state's encouragement of policies which contribute to the economic and social disintegration of the family.

The substitution of traditional religion with the adoration of the state and/or its leaders.

The state's encouragement of "doublethink," whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent.

The revision of history in the state's favor.

A dystopian future.

Sounds like our current Administration don't it?????

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Sounds like our current Administration don't it????? </div></div>

Sonds even more like the "party" who based thier views as "Politically Correct"!

Thier previous leader stated "I NEVER had SEX with that woman" to later say "Define Sex" and even later said he DID have sex with her, once he found that our society DID consider what he did as SEX, (whether or not HE did), even though many in our society consider SODOMY as a repulsive form of sex.

His protege, now the top candidate in the same "party", seems even MORE Orwellian!

...and her runner-up seems to be the "Manchurian Candidate".

Niether can save the Craft Centre, nor US, from an eventual Orwellian outcome.

Though the language from GM may seem Orwellian, it's only to try and define normal business practices to a society accustomed to Orwellian comments by such ex-leaders , and thier Wanna-bees. Gm no longer has interest in building "Hand-Made" cars, and the Craft Centre has become a liability to them. Since the land is worth more than the land+structures to the market, they must demo to sell it, or continue taking losses, which may destroy GM.


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Phil remember it was 19-20 years since I worked in that plant, at that time it was probably the nicest paint jobs coming out of a GM plant, I doubt that the paint system would still be in there since they did produce other cars.

I was told that the inside of the plant was stripped for re-tooling so I don't think they would have any thing left from building the Reatta.

The picture shown here is where I spent most of my time with the Reatta, this was the body shop where we made the hood, doors, deck lids, qtr. panels and where the "Body In White" was put together, the lower building is where this took place, the taller building they were making parts for another car line.



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Guest TommyH

I wish I could have been there....and I had just gotten my reatta august. oh well, one will be by me soon enough, though not soon enough, if you know what I mean.

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