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Does anyone know where to get a replacement radiator core support kit or any part of one I also need rerplacement bushings, thanks. This would be for a 64 wildcat. thanks again.

  • 2 weeks later...

The bushings which mount the core support to the vehicle frame (aka "frame mount insulators, upr and lwr, position #1) should have a casting number on the side of them which should be the same as the GM part number for them. If it's like my '68 LeSabre body mounts (aka insulators), they are the same as the same year Chevrolet Impala--by the part numbers cast on the side of the rubber. Once you find that number, then you can use it to search other GM parts vendors other than just Buick.

In the aftermarket/restoration realm of things, they'll sell "a kit" for these things (the mounts), which will generally include the mounts and hardware store-type (i.e., common) bolts and flat washers. You'll probably need to replace the bolts and such anyway, but putting some gun "blue" on the common bolts will make (as was demonstrated to us one time) the silver bolts turn to a finish highly similar to the oxide-black look of the factory botls with the salt-spray anti-corrosion treatment on them.

Just some thoughts,



Thanks to all: for possible future needs - Eddie Lyle @ Steele Rubber went thru his computer and found a match. Had he not, he was prepared to make an identical set. Just thought this info might help someone in the future. Thanks again.

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