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The heater stopped putting out heat. I checked the door linkage behind the glove box and the door seems to open and close. I replaced all the vaccum hoses in the engine compartment that I could find and still no heat when set at maximun heat. Any suggestions?


If all the vacuum lines are Ok and the trapdoor is working, I would suspect the thermostat. What temp. is indicated on the screen? My '89 runs at about 184 degrees with a 180 degree thermostat. I get plenty of heat (in Minnesota)

Guest F14CRAZY

Is your temperature gauge reading that the engine is coming up to full temperature?

Heater core could be plugged as well, but I'm more for your thermostat being stuck open


And did you check the coolant level ? When low one thing that stops working is the heater.

After these, if you have hot coolant (over 140F) and no heat you need to check the hot/cold diverter door which is a rod on top of the HVAC "programmer". You may need to remove the glove box to see. (Sounds like already did).


Did you check to see if you actually have vacuum to the controller?

I had the hard pastic line that runs from near the brake unit along the firewall to the inside on the car develope a small crack, and was very hard and brittle. It drive me nuts for months till I figured it out.

Check this plastic line for cracks

Guest F14CRAZY

Didn't think of the vacuum line...might want to remove the black plastic cover above the passenger footwell and make sure it's still connected (the black one). Mine has come off before.

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