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I must've been good this year..


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Those of you who attended the regional meet in St. Louis last year might have remembered a stained glass of a 53 Skylark that was raffled off. A bunch of club members loaded up on raffle tickets because THEY wanted it! It was a really beautiful piece that a local club member hand-made. Steve Dodson does great work!

The piece ended up in the hands of a local club member, and she donated it to a charity she is affiliated with to auction off. Some of us had wanted to keep it in the club, but it went to a good cause - Wings of Hope. (I am going by memory, so correct me if I have some of the facts wrong....PAUL??)

Imagine my surprise when I unwrapped this package this morning:


I asked my parents where they got it, and my Dad has a friend who found it at "some auction" and he had to buy it. He said it "had your name written all over it." grin.gifgrin.gif So, I am totally beside myself!! By far, the coolest gift I have received in a very long time.

If I ignore my hard luck on the way to the BPG national this year, it has been a great Buick year for me. One addition to my Buick family, loads of fun with the clubs, and this gift!!

Happy holidays, everyone! cool.gif

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Christmas Miracle is right... Hey Adam, how about puting that up to a sunlight backdrop and taking another picture. I'd like to see how it looks with a couple billion candle power coming through. I bet is is magnificant. The more I look at it the better it looks anyway.

BTW, did you happen to see the two 53 Convertibles fro sale on e bay this week? A Super and a Roadmaster. They both have the shoulder high belt line around the doors and rear windows, and that makes the cars look so stodgey. It really makes the Skylark look so modern to have the curved belt line between the doors and rear 1/4.

Again, Great Gift...


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Guest imported_Thriller

Sweet. It is amazing sometimes how things like this can work out...like how I got my Wildcat hood ornament (see the Hoodies thread).

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