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New member two Reatta's


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My son and I have been looking for useful information for the upkeep of our reatta's. I bought him a grey 88 reatta after he wrecked his 91 Ford Taurus in Dec 2004, he has been in love with it ever since, as have I. I picked up a red 89 reatta 3 weeks ago and I am reliving my childhood, sparking my wife and just having a good time. Both cars are in good shape however there are a few things we want to fix on each car at a slow yet steady pace in diy fashion.

I am going to review the past post and the FAQ section, so I may be quiet for just a little while, as I absorb a lot of this information, I do plan to post pictures of the twins real soon. Is there a special section for pictures?

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Welcome to the world of Reatta!

Look in the upper left hand corner of this page and click on th "AACA Photo Forums" link. You can post pic's here. I am also new to this site and I just posted my '90 coup (driftwood) on there. Good luck on your repairs, etc.

The Churchman laugh.gif

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Hi there folks. Yes, you guys have come to the right place. You will find some of the most knowledgeable Reatta nuts in all of the web, here. Two items of advise I would like to offer. Get a shop manual. The most important purchase you will ever buy for these great little cars. The manuals show up from time to time on eBay. Next, do the brake test! The Reatta brake system, while an excellent one, is very unforgiving of poor maintenance. The part that fails commonly, is called the acumulator. It's a little round metal ball on top of the master cylinder. With age, these go out and can cause the brakes to fail, sometimes without warning. Anyway, the brake test located at www.reatta.net is something of a "must do". Jim as already posting information about himself. You need a used part? Jim mostly likely can help. The good news, he is very helpful and honest. Same goes for another member that goes by the screen name Reattadudes. His real name is Mike. Welcome. Enjoy your Reattas. I know I sure do.

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Welcome to the world of Reatta.

If you have a little extra space, buy yourself a parts car, they are invaluable.

Whether or not you neeed all the parts, others do - and you can sometimes barter for the parts you need. They are also useful in learning the proper sequence for R&R of parts to your good car without damaging it.

I have a couple myself, (with some parts available for sale/barter), to keep up the other 5 in my collection.



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