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Non-Meet AACA Judging school

Kevin W. Fisher

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Kevin, you might try emailing VP Class Judging Randy Rutherford or Chairman of Judges Training Fred Young. I wish I could tell you more but I wasnt aware there was a non-meet school on the 27th. If by chance you miss that one though, there will be one in Greensburg, Pa in May and I also believe in Warren, Ohio in July. Both of those venues being within a reasonable distance from you. If that helps at all. smirk.gif

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If you go to the AACA Main Page, check out "Regions & Chapters On-Line", or, the AACA Officers and there will be a "Contact" icon listing those officers on-line.

VP Class Judging: Randy Rutherford rrutherford@usa.net

Hershey Region: Chuck Wagon Lodge: hersheyregaaca@palonline.com

Laurel Highlands Region: Click on Regions & Chapters on-line. At the page bottom, you will see how to contact officers.


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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smile.gifThank you also very much,Peter.I attended the national meeting in Philadelphia,and due to problems,didn't arrive at the Wyndham untill 9:00A.M.By the time I registered and got my packet,I missed the school!I finally got my computer back online to find this perfect opportunity to"get started again".Well,missed this one too!There are more schools coming and I'll make it.Once again,thank you all very much!Kevin
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