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Just wanted to re-introduce myself


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Hello to everyone on the boards here. I just wanted to re-intorduce myself. I think my old screen name was m_coppens. I use to own a '60 Chevy El Camino, but I went to school so I sold it. Currently, I own a '66 VW Beetle w/ some vintage accessories from VW. I am still in Florida and have been trying to get involved w/ the local AACA, but working too much so it isnt going so well.

Too sum it up, Hello!

~Matt Coppens

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Hi, Matt...WOW! A voice from the past. Welcome back...been awhile.

In the interim, stay involved here as it is the next best thing...

Take care,

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hey Matt, noticed your VW mention, and had to say hi & welcome back (though I am far from a "regular" here myself).

From what I've heard, there seems to be a lot of old VW activity down in Florida, and as far as AACA goes, we are "long-distance" members of the Indian River Region AACA (http://www.irraaca.org/), since it's closest to where we regularly go and vacation for two weeks a year. We even made it out to their "Under The Elms" car show for a brief visit this past February, and even had fun chatting with the owner of a beautiful local '57 Beetle--here's our report on that experience: http://members.aol.com/commongear/FeaturePhoto9.html

Per the latest IRRAACA newsletter, it appears that "Under The Elms" 2005 will be Saturday, March 19, 2005--oops, and sorry, that should've read: "Under The Oaks"!

Once again, welcome back!

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Hi Matt - you too Steve! Been a long time. Stay in touch and keep your keyboard oiled, you're always welcome to participate here.


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