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This is my fourth visit to this thread, and I just noticed that you could make money on some of that stuff. The 57 Chevy and Caddy convertable could be doners for a two door to convertable conversion. Not that I'd live long enough to do one, but some 12 year old with vision might have a crack at it.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is a curious website http://www.classiccarsrotting.com/ that has much more of the same. I actually like certain junkyard pics in an artistic sense. </div></div>

Based on a random sampling I'd say about 20% of the cars on classiccarrotting.com are mis-identified. The 1960 model year pages are especially bad!

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I haven't delved too heavily into the archives there. Besides the fact that I think ALL junkyards east of Phoenix should be relocated to the western deserts for safe keeping, the cars do make excellent photographic studies.

And I always imagine what kind of people owned them when they were new and where they went and how the "lived" with their families.

I've seen tons of cars misidentified on the web too. I can understand the year but often the make is totally off as well. Young whippersnappers don't know nothing!


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There was such a junk yard in Chicopee Ma. two years ago. I went through it and there was nothing what so ever that was salavage able. All the cars were either rotted or had been steped on so much that none of the panels were of any value. These were all "special" cars that were put aside to be sold when the Junk yard owner was about to retire. Back in the 70's I wanted to buy a packard that was there, He said that I could come back in 30 years and then he would sell it. He ended up with one cent a pound for his collection.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We have a guy here that is the same way. He will "call you when I get around to it. The ground has to be firm enough to get back in there." Well, we have been waiting for four years on him to "get around to it". We think he uses it as a tax write-off. </div></div>

How does that tax write-off deal work?

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Shop rat

That works only up to 5 years. After that the IRS(Infernal Rectal Staff) says you don't have a business you have a hobby and then they come after you with full guns to bear.

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It seems that this type of person can be seen in most any part of the country. We have/had one just south of Atlanta. 15 years ago he had about 130 Packards, mostly middle 50's but several early 50's and some 40's. Back then he was real proud of everything he had. For the last 3-5 years he has been advertising in Hemmings that he wants to get out of the business so he can sell the land. Up until last year he still wanted a kings ransom for his parts. Then late last year he suddenly got smart and decided to let the whole cars that were left for $100-$300 each. By then they were almost part of the environment, although there were a couple of good parts cars left. Bottom line as of May the crusher came in and all the Packards are gone. P.S. He also had 75 lincolns in another field along side even a couple of 55 capris and I think one was a convertible. Gone also.

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