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Patron Saint Of Automobiles

Bill Boudway

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Saint Murphy??? <P>I have always found Murphy's law applied double to cars, so maybe he was a Saint to have all that power. rolleyes.gif<P>Does the good Father have any ideas on this, Ron grin.gif

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I may be wrong, but I believe St. Christopher WAS the patron saint of "travelers". I also believe he was de-sanctified some years ago. frown.gif<P>Let's see, who was the patron saint of fools?<BR>That's the guy we need. smile.gif ~ hvs

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Ted:<P>I know Ron served in Vietnam, as I did. I recall one of the many cowards that avoided serving telling me upon my return, that he sent away to a firm in California, requesting a Minister's license. <P>Who knows. Maybe the Web could generate a source.<P>Regards,<P>Peter J.

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I consulted an old reference book I have on the saints and found no saint of automobiles (the job must be available). However, the book did list two saints for motorists, Christopher and Frances of Rome. Since Christopher was de-sanctified some years ago, I guess that leaves Frances as a candidate.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

hvs, It is not de-sainted. I know the word to become a saint is to beatify (be-at-if-y) We need spell check. I do not know the undoing of the word. <BR>Howard is right, it would be Monsignor Ron, then Bishop Ron, Arch Bishop Ron and then it would be Ron Cardinal Barnett. Provided that he was Catholic.<BR>SalG<p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 01-18-2001).]

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Sal ~ Picky, picky. Catholic, schmatholic. We can't let a little thing like a man's religion stand in the way of the elevation of Father Ron to a higher calling in this troubled world, now can we? rolleyes.gif<P>I know de-sainted is not the proper term or even a word, but it sounded amusing to me at the time, so I went with it. I really think the proper term is "to de-sanctify", but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first or last time. smile.gif ~ hvs <P>

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Well,..I am Shawnee and Native American church,..so I suppose I need to just stop along the road and smoke some tobacco and smudge the car if I need protection. Unless someone can tell me how to get elected as the first non-catholic Pope. Is anyone selling those John-Paul hood ornaments, yet?<BR>(Before you decide I am being irreverent,... let me say one word,..PONTIAC!) If elected Pope, I will drive a Jordan,....<P>RS

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