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Heater question


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First off, I want to say hello to all the members as I am the new owner of David Mackensie's 91 white conv, as of this past sat.

When I had the car checked out, since I live 2300 miles from where the car lived, it was noted that heater wasn't putting out air as warm as it should. Not as warm sounded OK for my drive home, but it really should be noted that NO warm air.

I suspect it is the heater core blocked or rotted out as this car has lived in the sun belt all it's life (stretching to allow Atlanta into the sun belt). Since all other climate control functions are correct, there has to be a correlation to the heater core.

Two questions.

1) How difficult/expensive to replace heater core?

2) What else could it be?

I am currently still in route, with the Reatta, to my home in the Washington, DC area and want to have it fixed when I return and my feet thaw. Also would appreciate the name(s) of any good shop to have the work performed.



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Check out the "Search" feature...There is a posting by Jim13a titled "Reatta Heater Core Replacement" this is very "step by step". There are also others that give good insite to heater and core issues.

Also you may have a problem with the internal door to the heat box not swinging into position to allow correct air flow. So is it the amount of air flow or is it just not warm enough? Good luck and welcome to this great resourse and it's really helpful Reatta fans.

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Thanks for the recommendation, for some reason, when I searched before posting, nothing came up, this time it did.

I also saw a reference to a micro controller for the heater, could this also be the problem? If so, where is it loctaed and how can I check it?


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It is very unlikely your heater core is bad. Most likely it is the heater programmer which is located under the glove box, mounted vertically next to the ECM. You do have to remove the glove box to get at the rotating arm but it does come out from the bottom. There will be a bunch of vacumn hoses going to it.

Another thought, it could be the ECC. The climate control unit above the radio.

Both of these item go bad quite often on the '90-91s.

I have several parts cars and have both units if you determine what part you need. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com

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Just to amplify what Jim said, there is a hot/cold diverter valve and the control lever is on top of the airbox. This is connected by a thin rod to a similar lever on top of the HVAC programmer box (bunch of vaccuum hoses going into the bottom. This is driven by an electric servo motor to control the air mix.

AFAIR when the rod is removed, it should flop full right (hot) and full left is for max cold. I have seen these jam. I just had to adjust the one on the Bonneville to get max cold out of the a/c.

This is a common failure but is easily visible with the glove box removed. Servo is slow but should see motion when the temperature is changed from MAX COOL to MAX WARM (essentially 60F to 90F).

Will be in DC this weekend and could take a look but you will have to supply the tools (I do not check luggage and already had a small screwdriver set "declined").

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Many, Many thanks to all, it is now fixed and ridiculously easy once pointed in the right direction.

It turned out to be the bell crank from the servo to the airbox. The plastic locking piece on the airbox was broken. Didn't have a replacement, but will get one as soon as I am home. I did get the bellcrank to "stay put".

My Reatta experience is off to a *MUCH* better start.

Padgett, I will be home by Thursday evening, it would be my pleasure to buy you a beer or assist you in your tourism this weekend.

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