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Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow


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Hi<P>Well Bob & I a busy shoveling about 14" (with more excepted before it ends around 3pm) of the white fluffy stuff kids are so found of here on Long Island. Seems like every time we clean our driveway the plow comes back and fills it up again. We could do without it though. Would much rather be enjoying the warmer weather and attending a antique car show.<P>We haven't had a storm like this for about 5 years so I guess we should not complain.<P>Just hope the weather in February is better so that we can drive down to Philly.<P>Happy New Year To Everyone. Wishing you all a healthy and exciting new year.<P>Ruth

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We had about 9 inches in Smithtown, L.I.<BR>Oh my aching back. How I yearn for July.<BR>Anyway, I just got finished clearing my driveway and received another inch of snow.<BR>It too shall pass.<BR>Happy New Year.<BR>Roger

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Had too much snow here in NC!!! Spent the morning at my Dad's putting valve stem seals in his Chevy II Nova. The shoveling was terrible as it was too hard chasing the couple flakes we had. <P>Oh, by the way guys. Thanks for reminding me of one the reasons I moved south. Please though, CLOSE the doors!! Your letting all the cold air come down here. It was 32° today, with an expected heat wave due on Thursday of 39°.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Ruth, I have 8 or 9 inches were in North Babylon, only about 20 miles to your South East. My father in law says he had only about 3 to 4 inches in East Hampton and then it turned to rain. Did you get DOCAIR's photo of his front lawn? SalG

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We dodged the bullet here at the top of the Chesapeake Bay. They were calling for 4-6 or 8-12 depending on how the storm tracked up the coast. We woke this morning to beautiful blue skies. Evidently the storm skirted us completely. Meanwhile we see that Philadelphia (95 miles from the bay) is getting hit with 1 ro 1 1/2 inches of snow per hour and they are suppose to get snow all day at that rate. they also say that New York City might see 24 inches before it is through. Not a flake here and it had to go by us to get north.<P>Keeping fingers crossed for good weather in Philly during February!<P>

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Peter, It should be 32 or below for the next week, we will have the snow for a while. Care to trade that 75. SalG<BR>PS Spoke to friends in Montauk ("The End" as they say.) they got a dusting and then rain. Montauk is about 85 miles East.SalG<p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 12-31-2000).]

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Guest rcirilli

Peter I really feel sorry for you, tuff brake! In the Pittsburgh area we have only had about six inches total but today is the 15 day below 25 degrees and there isn't any hope for the foreseeable future. Non of that would be so bad but I have 300 feet of driveway to the house and another 200 to the garage. Since we have only had 2 or 3 inches at a time I have been shoveling. Just came in from the last 2 inches. I too, will be happy to see spring.

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Hey anybody got any snowshoes for sale.<BR>Around Rockford Il. I have at least 18 snow on the ground, and drifts as high as 40".<BR>I wont get to my garage for at least 2 weeks, or I may wait until June. I gave up shoveling and will wait for snow to melt.<P>JIM Schilf / palbuick

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Delightful in Cheyenne. Snow, but not too much. Cold but not too cold. Walked 3 miles today as I do everyday. Night time low of about 5 and up to the low 30's during the day. Dry snow and dry air. That's why I emigrated here 10 years ago. smile.gifsmile.gif ~ hvs

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EIGHTY FIVE DEGREES IN PASADENA, CA for the Horseless Carriage car show on 12/30. An unbelievable number of open touring cars and roadsters and we ALL wore short sleeve shirts.<P>LOVE IT!!!!!!

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