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How many are left?

Guest Stephen Lyons

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Guest Stephen Lyons

Can someone suggest a resource other than RL Polk for determining how many of any particular year/model remain registered for operation?

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Hi, Stephen...

This topic came up some years ago. All sorts of suggestions/comments were made with no really accurate way of determining the number.

Some suggested the Motor Vehicle Department of one's state. Others suggested Club Registries. If I recall correctly, and, in general, the consensus was that a ballpark figure could be the only answer. Some people have various marques and do not belong to clubs. Some have them in museums and not registered with a license plate. Some have cars that are not registered.

I believe many of us would find it interesting, however, how to go about it is a real challenge for an "accurate" answer.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Guest Stephen Lyons

Peter, I have noted that some clubs seem able to make this determination with (supposed) accuracy, so I am presuming there is some source somewhere out there from which this information can be obtained.

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Guest imported_PackardV8

The best source for such info would be any major supplier(s) for any given marque. THEY SHOULD KNOW! However, getting such info from them would be like getting a dealer to admit to his profit margin on a new car. This question has been often asked and analysed about the Indian motorcycle for the more than 30 years i've been involved with them. Again the (3hree major) DEALERS KNOW. To the best of my ability and the analysis of other owners we have determined about 30 - 50% of original production is extant in some form of completeness or in near serviceable condition or better.

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