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Try 1A Automotive OnLine----I bought my 1955-76R carpet from them and it is beautiful and fits perfectly. They will send you samples to look at,also.

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AWBE-<P>Good thing that A1-online carpet wasn't going in a 58 buick - it sure would have been ugly then and would have been probably spattered with chrome flake or something shameful like that, which just makes the 55-57's look that much more elite. But I'm sure that the 55 carpet looks wonderful.<P>In fact, they probably do not even supply carpet for a 58 since they didn't sell well that year and nobody likes them now either. It's just best to forget that they existed and ruined the legacy.<P> grin.gif" border="0

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Guest Randy Berger

I purchased carpet material and had my upholsterer cut and sew it based on the original carpet. He did a good job and duplicated all seams, etc. I had read a lot of posts like this and learned from people willing to post their problems/results - thanks. wink.gif" border="0

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My experience with 1A was somewhat different. I asked them to send samples, and I was told that they will only send samples *after* I placed an order. This means that if they didn't have the color I wanted, I was SOL; the order was already paid for. Curious business practice, that.

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I had bought a molded carpet for my 70 Buick from Kanter, and it doesn't fit well. The center hubs are too large for the car, and had to be padded. I was thinking about getting a new one, but it might be easier to cut this one down and have a seam in the center. shocked.gif" border="0

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Jerry, I guess you still have the Buick.Me too, Although mine is still all apart.Auto carpet Direct is the place to find the right color with great fit for your car. They have color samples on line and they will send you some if you would like. There web sight is <A HREF="http://www.automotivecarpet.com." TARGET=_blank>www.automotivecarpet.com.</A> Your bud Tim. I know its been a long winter but Im just a phone call away.

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Jerry Your right they do skip over your 62. Whats up with that? Did you contact them? I would try getting ahold of them. And no the old Buick wont be cruisin by the end of the month. And YES its alittle chilli at the new shop right now. Does body filler still cure at -10? We might need to work on the heating system. See Ya Tim.

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what's up with no one having any thing to do with '53's or older? 1 A starts at '54. '53 was only the anniversary year! it's seems like they would supply for this year. to my understanding '53 was as popular as the '54 if not more popular. anyways just comment. sorry if i sound mad, i'm just trying to find sources for my own '53. i'd like that royal purple but they said they can't get it for '53. i wonder if anybody sells carpet buy the yard? i'm think of just piecing my carpet instead of trying to find a molded that may or may not "quite fit" <BR>what do you guys think?<P>thanks

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Will, I tell you what, If you got a good<BR>upholstrey man/woman/ in town or nearby<BR>I would almost "garanteed" a perfect fit.<BR>Buy your carpet someplace by the yard and<BR>have them "fit it" I have a retired Navy<BR>Parachute Rigger" who does fabulous work<BR>and he garrantees his work. Look around<BR>and you will find someone. Loren 56 Buick Century

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Will, I tell you what, If you got a good<BR>upholstrey man/woman/ in town or nearby<BR>I would almost "garanteed" a perfect fit.<BR>Buy your carpet someplace by the yard and<BR>have them "fit it" I have a retired Navy<BR>Parachute Rigger" who does fabulous work<BR>and he garrantees his work. Look around<BR>and you will find someone. Loren 56 Buick Century

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