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competent tinkersmith. My prized 1977 Midland CB quit working. Nobody in the area knows how to fix it. Is there anybody out there that can get my CB working again?

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Hi, European...

I travel about 48-50,000 per year in sales, and, I do recall advertisements that "large, full-service" truck stops have CB repair services. Possibly, there is a repair person with experience at one of them?

Wayne will probably be the best source for any validity to what I suggested.

Regards, Peter J.

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That Bob...Breaker, Breaker. Euro, I've got probably 10 radio that are broke or otherwise not repairable. I know Midland used to be the "thing", but save your money and buy a real radio, Galaxy, or any other ham type radio. Pedro is right about all the big truckstops having a repairman onsite, but experienced? Buyer beware. 10-4 Good Buddy? ACK!!! W.

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