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Well folks, it seems that I bring out the most interesting merchants.<P>I ordered a few dollars worth of parts from: <A HREF="http://www.classicbuicks.com." TARGET=_blank>http://www.classicbuicks.com.</A> <P>Shame on me.<P>On August 20th they billed my credit card.<P>Today I received a mailnote from them telling me that they won't ship my merchandise until tomorrow.<P>Guess who *I* won't be buying from again?<P>sigh.<P>Jim

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My dealings with Classic Buick have been excellent. I found the people there to be knowledgeable and honest. They have been very forthcoming if they believed that their product was not exactly what I needed.<P>Based on my experience, I would not hesitate to recommend this vendor.<P>Brian Laurance, BCA #5168<BR>1959 Electra<BR>1971 Centurion<BR>1989 LeSabre

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Bill,<BR>Thanks, I shall give them a try. I'm searching for a company to spend money with. So far I've had good luck with Year One but seek others as well.<BR>Brian, <BR>I suppose it's normal for some to have good dealings with companies. I was, on my first attempt to spend money with them, turned off by the fact that they charge my credit card, THEN tell me that they won't ship until two weeks after they have charged me. Does that seem right?<BR>At any rate, the quest for someone to take my money continues wink.gif" border="0 <BR>Thank you for your replies gentlemen.<BR>Jim

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Guest John Chapman

Jim,<P>This isn't an unusual business practice... although 10 days before shipment is a little long. I'd call them and express my disappointment that they did this and see if there is a logical reason.<P>It's a two way street out there, and in their shoes, I'd debit the credit card well before shipping to ensure that it was valid because the vendor eats the bad charge usually. Doesn't take much of a chargeback rate to hurt a small operation.<P>On the brighter side, when you use a credit card, you have the best protection against products that don't measure up. Return the shipment and call the card company to dispute the charge. By law (Consumer Protection Act) the card company must set aside the disputed charge and can't bill you for the amount or accrue interest until the dispute is settled. If it can't be settled, they'll charge back the vendor. And they do all the dirty work.<P>JMC<p>[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: John Chapman ]

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Hi Jim,<BR>Hope I can clarify what happens when you order something with a credit card, since I'm in the credit card "processing" business.<BR>When you give a merchant your card number, expiration date, etc., they "key" it into an electronic terminal (aka "computer"), which sets off a chain of events.<BR>First, the card gets "authorized" (approved) <BR>for the charge amount.<BR>Second, the money is electronically transferred from your lendor bank to the processing bank, where certain fees are retained. Then, the funds are transferred to the merchants bank account. This typically takes about 48-72 hours.<BR>Unfortunately, it is the RARE merchant who will wait until the item is shipped before charging a credit card, since they want to be sure they get paid. It's the American way! Sure hope this helps!<BR>Bob Leets smile.gif" border="0

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Thanks for that info Bob.<P>I can't argue with your point. You make a valid one.<P>However,<P>This is 2001. It doesn't take two weeks for these process' to occur.<P>I'll not buy from this company again. All they accomplished was insuring that a potential large series of orders for Buick parts ain't gonna happen.<P>John, <BR>I agree that 10 days is WAY too long. I am certain that I'll find the right outfit to buy from though.<P>Jim<p>[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Jim Deatsch ]

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My condolences! And they didn't even kiss you first.<BR>This is the same company that recently charged a friend $22 shipping for two head gaskets.<BR>Fifteen years ago I was in their store in Chino,CA and was shown a set (4) pristine 55 wheel covers which I bought and had them package so I could take them back on the plane...when I opened the package 8 montahs later to use the covers I found 4 nasty dented and greasy covers.<BR>They didn't kiss me first either.<BR>Willie

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I've had good luck with them. Got some springs in 7 days that they said would take 2 to 3 weeks and those along with other assorted items seem to be good quality and are reasonably priced.

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my experience with them was just one transaction & that was enough. In 1979 I bought a used rear end from them after talking on the phone & I was assured it was a good used piece. What I got back was a unit with very worn ring & pinion gears, worse than what was already on the car.<P>Buick Specialists on the other hand, their service is great, I recommend them to anyone, definitly an asset to Buick owners grin.gif" border="0

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jim. i am in the house painting biz and we accept mc/visa at the end of the day when i batch out all of the reciepts using the same terminal that i charged them on the funds are always transfered into our account the following day.not ten days later,not five days later,but one day later.mabey the guys at that buick joint are sleeping?but if i was to charge a customer to paint and then wait ten or more days to do the job it wouldnt be there we we got to it.and besides when you buy a battery at the store they dont tell you to come back in ten days to pick it up.in any event i hope you get your parts soon. theres nothing worst then waiting for parts at the end of summer. good luck.cliff smile.gif" border="0

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It sure is nice to hear that you people endorse Buick Specialists. I placed an order with them in late June, worth over $500, and insisted on shipping air parcel post or air freight. They billed my VISA on 3th July, but I still haven't got the parts. It usually takes 2 weeks max by air from USA to Finland. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but I haven't got any reply from them since ordering. Maybe it's because I use fax due to time zones.

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JYRKI,<P>I would call US Customs. They have been known to hold up import/export stuff for any number of reasons. Call the Buick people first and see when it shipped!<P>Duane,<BR>ONCE STUCK IN PORT NEWARK NJ FOR 3 DAYS WAITING FOR CUSTOMS TO CLEAR A CHEMICAL LOAD! frown.gif" border="0

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Jyrki, when you get the pistons, make sure they are correct(compare to an old one) I bought a set from Classic...I got the motor together...after much grief and a 2nd disassembly(in car) I figured it out...I had been sent 56 pistons !!! I got the right ones but I had to pay shipping of the wrong ones down(about 25 bones0 But the thing that saved my butt...I kept one of my old ones...It had gotten buried when I put it together initially...They use Egge pistons....www.egge.com<P> Car runs good now!!!<P> don55

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I would have used Bob's Automobilia, but they don't have all the parts I needed, for instance only Buick Specialists and CARS have the correct rubber body mounts. Since shipping any size package to Finland runs at about $100, it makes sense to order as many parts from one supplier as possible. I was going to, and will place my next order(s) with Bob's. I've dealt with them before, and have been satisfied. But especially with weatherstripping, some suppliers have the correct ones while some don't. <BR>Talking about Egge, I've heard some horror stories about their pistons. In some cases they didn't fit at all to even make the assembly possible, not to mention running them.<BR>Thanks everyone for your advice smile.gif" border="0

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The trick I've used is to choose the correct part number from the Steele catalog, and then order it thru Bob's Automobilia which comes 15% lower price on ANY Steele item. The retail pricing of Steele really sucks. Metro stuff is cheaper but in many cases not the correct type. However, some of the body mounts I mentioned are not listed either on the Metro or Steele catalogs. Wonder where the Buick merchants got them from?

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Guest Roadmaster

I attempted to purchase the correct weatherstripping for my '50 Roadmaster 76R from Classic. I sent many pictures of my driver's door to be sure they had the part. They get it from Steele Rubber. The catalog said 23 1/2" long, it was 21 1/2" long. I called Classic and they gave me the tech # for Steele Rubber and they said their stuff was correct. It would not, does not fit. I've since talked to 2 people trying to get the same correct weatherstripping and they bought from Steele Rubber and it fits like crap. I wouldn't use either one. The part I need isn't in either 476 page factory parts books. So I was reimbursed minus a $20 restock fee. Classic was nice on the phone but I'm not happy. I've ordered alot from Cars and they are great. I will try Bob's soon. This is only my take on these suppliers. blush.gif" border="0

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