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1929 whippet

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Have an old horn from a whippet . Was my step father . He installed it on several of his cars back in the 70’s . It’s the old fashion sound oogle horn . Looking to find a home for it . I have no use for it . Any advise to sell or site to advertise it . 






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Guessing the bracket is specific to Whippet? Looks like it wraps around dist cap then bolts to head, so if it's original then it will definitely be wanted by someone.



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If you want to try to sell it? Either here or in the "Parts For Sale" section farther down the list? Say so. Similar horns were used by hundreds of automakers for about two decades. Mostly, few records are available as to what cars used what horns, and many hobbyists are not losing sleep over having the "proper" horn on their car. Such horns are not worth a lot, usually selling for about fifty to a hundred dollars (expect the lower end of that range). (Me? I remember when one could buy as many as one could want for five dollars apiece!)

Packaging and mailing it shouldn't be to difficult. And then hopefully it can find its way onto a car that needs it.

I used to know a few people that owned and drove Overland and Whippet automobiles. But that was then. One nice fellow I knew was a collector of Overland cars, he had about a half dozen of them, as well as I think three Whippets. One of his favorite tour cars was a 1929 Whippet roadster, beautiful dark red car. But again, that was then.

Me? I don't need it and can't afford it right now. I don't have a car that needs one, and I have at least two of them on the shelf if I should happen to get a car that needs a horn.


Good luck! And I hope the horn can find its way onto a Whippet. Although any 1920s automobile would be fine.

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Where are you located? That can make a huge difference in your reasonable options.

Best if you can sell it! Someone that pays something for it must care enough to take care of it. 

However, my belief is that the main thing is to keep it away from the garbage can or recycling at least awhile longer. To that end, giving it to someone with antique cars of that general era would be good. It might be wise to write on it with a felt pen "1929 Whippet?" for future identification's sake.

My dad had tons of junk I had no interest in. We gave away about half of it. Even a lot of stuff worth a bit of money was given away because we didn't have the time or space to hang onto it to fool around selling them.

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