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French pre-war passing system

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Here's an arcane system from the dim past. Pre WWII, French heavy trucks had a horn located in the cab which was connected by a hose to another on near the back bumper. The purpose was to allow the driver to hear a car behind honking, at which point they were supposed to pull over. I wonder how accommodating the truckers were...


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Thats really cool.  But this brings up another question. I recall when I owned a 190SL that there was reference to a 'passing light'. It may have been a switch to illuminate the turn signal solid rather than flashing? I dont remember the details now but thought it was funny to have. Anyone have any idea what Im talking about or is it a filament of my imagination?

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1 hour ago, TAKerry said:

Thats really cool.  But this brings up another question. I recall when I owned a 190SL that there was reference to a 'passing light'. It may have been a switch to illuminate the turn signal solid rather than flashing? I dont remember the details now but thought it was funny to have. Anyone have any idea what Im talking about or is it a filament of my imagination?

In Germany, one is required to flash their 'passing lights' prior to overtaking someone slower on the Autobahn.  And I'm sure the Autobahn isn't the only roadway in Germany where one is required to flash them to pass.


Anyone else recall Subaru's hidden 'passing light' in the middle of the grille under the emblem in the early 1980's?



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7 hours ago, TAKerry said:

Thats really cool.  But this brings up another question. I recall when I owned a 190SL that there was reference to a 'passing light'. It may have been a switch to illuminate the turn signal solid rather than flashing? I dont remember the details now but thought it was funny to have. Anyone have any idea what Im talking about or is it a filament of my imagination?

356 Porsches could flash their lights by pushing on the horn ring (only the button in the middle worked the horn if I remember right). All Porsches flashed their lights at each other until the about 1970. Now they only flash at other 356s, and there aren't many!

I have a hot rodder neighbor who has a small light at the bottom of the grill on this A-V8. He told me it's a "Passing Light". 

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