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31 Chrysler Floor Insulation Material…Asbestos?


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Hi. I removed the floor board on my 31 Chrysler and below the metal floor there is a thick layer of a tan material that looks like particle board. 

Couks that be asbestos? It’s mostly painted black but there are some scraped areas that look tan.


It does not seem particularly crumbly but I won’t take any chances.


I’ll apply a coat of paint to it and maybe stick on a thin sheet of modern insulation.


Any thoughts?


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Probably Wood Fiber. Asbestos is not so likely in places where extreme heat resistance is not required. Anything is possible though. The most common color for asbestos is a dirty off-white, not tan, but again, anything is possible. Common tan colored materials under car floors are Jute, Coconut, and Wood Fiber. Of those I wouldn't worry too much unless it is coconut. That is extremely flammable, ridiculously so. All are tan, but Wood Fiber is the most particleboard-like. "Celotex" was a common brand.

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Also, asbestos can't harm you unless you inhale it's dust. 

It's not health food, but it's not a deadly poison that kills on contact either. 

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