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Garnish trim 1941?


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Greetings Neil

          THANX for your kind words! I'm leaning toward selling it as I won't be restoring my Cent. 66S. I know we shouldn't try to control things afterword, but it would sure be nice to have the general public be able to see it on someone's car driving around. I can check length against my 2dr, but it's still bundled up from the crummy winter we are still trying endure! Currently 42 with 15-20 mph wind rising to gusts of 45-50 later. I know, whine x3. So, watch for more postings for selling parts. Pass along referrals when I can please! Best Regards, Greg J

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My guess is that they are all the same.  There's also one on the back of the front seat in sedans, and it's the same as the ones on the doors.  Skip Boyer makes reproductions of the plastic pieces, by the way.

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