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55 buick century 3 sp manual transmission parts

stephen j

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On 6/9/2022 at 3:46 PM, stephen j said:

I am rebuilding a 55 manual 3 spd and need an input shaft/ front bearing  (throw out bearing)retainer clip  and a 2-3 fork   anyone have any of these or know where i might go?  Thanks

Century 3pd manual should have 6 bolts holding top cover on. The smaller transmission has 5 bolts holding top cover on. It's a nice easy way to ID these. Pm if you haven't found parts yet. Good luck!

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Not that it's going to help you, but it's nice to remember I had a Buick with a manual transmission. Delightful to drive. And yeah... I should have kept it !!! But that was like 47 48 years ago... Shoulda coulda woulda. (But I didn't appreciate what I had then.)

Edited by mrspeedyt (see edit history)
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Brings back memories of the neighborhood kid who street raced a 1955 Century. Unusual to see a competitive, Buick in the 60's. He must have gone through a horrendous number of three speeds. Half the time the car was parked in the ally with the rear end jacked up. A sure sign that he had blown another tranny. We joked that he had used up all of the three speeds in the Seattle area wrecking yards. That foolishness came to screeching halt when we noticed that he had grenaded the trans, tunnel and even put large dents in the hardtop roof. Lucky to be alive! 

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