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Early Wheel Manufacturer Sought


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Just had a discussion with a fellow who recently purchased a 1917 Maxwell and when he sent me pictures I told him it appeared his wheels had been altered as I was unable to find any in all of my 1914-1921 Maxwell parts books that were like his, I changed my mind after I went through all my photo files and found others just like his. They are non- demountable in nature at first glance but then you notice that 3 of the 6 hub bolts are like modern ones and their removal allows you to take the whole wheel off the hub like a modern car. Since I cannot find any listing at all in the factory parts books could these have been a popular aftermarket product?


Howard Dennis

1360a - Copy (2).jpg

1360g - Copy (3).jpg

1917 Maxwell 22.jpg

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Hey there Howard D!

Similar wheels were manufactured in the British and European markets. They were much more popular there, and quite a few photos can be found both from the era, and restored cars in recent decades showing them. 

I knew they were also manufactured here, but they were never very popular here and era photos and survivors with them are somewhat rare.

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Hey Wayne,

Thanks for the response. I initially thought this car was butchered but when I looked more closely through my Maxwell photo files I found maybe a half dozen 1917 Maxwells with these which suggests to me that maybe the factory tried these on a run of 1917 cars possibly to get rid of non-demountable wheels they had stopped using 2 years earlier?  It couldn't have been a large run as there is no mention in period Maxwell literature nor in factory parts books.


Howard Dennis

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1 hour ago, 1912Staver said:

I believe this is very similar to the Rambler set up.  But the Rambler was a bigger car and probably a few sizes larger tires / a couple of inches larger rim diameter. But the hub concept is virtually the same.

Thanks, I looked online and saw a picture but don't understand how it worked. Seems to be a lot of bolts. The Maxwell set up uses 3 of the original holes to hold the wheel and plates all together and 3 are used to hold the wheel onto the hubs. 

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