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1992 Riviera Broken Steering Column


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I posted this in my "saga" topic trying to get a bunch of smaller things sorted on my car.

I came home today and my steering wheel felt abnormally loose. Not turning side to side, but the wheel moving up and down.

I had the time so I tore the dash apart enough to pull the column out.

Long story short the looseness I was feeling turned out to be what looked like loose bolts. Except the bolts weren't loose.

It looks like the lower support bracket for the column has shattered where the bolts are threaded in.

This has parked this car until it can be fixed. As I feel extremely unsafe driving the car now that I know of this issue.

Attached is a picture of the damage. There are 2 bolt holes. But I didn't realize that the other hole had completely fallen out.


I haven't gone to the dealer yet to see if there is some chance at getting a part number, so I am hoping I can find the part to fix it.

I did look in my service manual. And all it says is #91, Support and bearing assembly. But no actual part number.

I am hoping that this part is one of GMs parts bin parts that they used on a ton of other cars.


If anyone on this forum knows of where I can go to find the part, knows the part number, or has one fill free to let me know. I really would not like my daily to sit for months while I figure out how to fix this.


Edited by 911delorean
forgot to add link to other forum post. (see edit history)
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The "Support & Bearing Assembly" for the '92 and '93 Riviera is part # 26006244.  Don't think you'll find a new one anywhere but can try a used part vendor or junk yard.


I got the part # from the 1986-1993 Riviera and Reatta Parts and Illustration Catalog....a "must have" book in my opinion.

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Well thanks to DShip, I was able to look up the part number. It looks like not only is it a super common GM part from this time. But it also looks as if every Reatta, and Riviera from this generation used it. So I may be in luck.

I'll still contact the people you recommended and see if they have the part.

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Ed, I suppose there are a number of parts from the 7th generation Riviera that might fit the 8th generation.  But, you have to remember that basically the new L67 3800 engine was introduced, whereas the '92/'93 Riviera had the L27 (if memory serves me correctly).  Also, the bodies went from E platform to G platform.  I don't have a Parts and Illustration Catalog for the '95-'99 Riviera to compare with the '86-'93 catalog.


One of the reasons I acquired two '91 Reattas was that I also had two '92 Rivieras...many parts would fit either so I didn't have to keep copious unique parts in my home inventory.

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