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Am I correct , in a tube type rad the coolant flows vertically while in a honeycomb rad the coolant  flows  horizontally ?Look at the heater core  in your cars. It seems most cars  heaters have honeycomb cores,  The reason,I believe is the honeycomb is more efficient in maintaining / controlled heat better than tube type. In the 60's most heater cores were honey come and it was not uncommon to suffer coolant leaks.They were repairable.

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A tube type radiator can be oriented either way. Horizontal flow is the norm these days, but it was usually vertical in antiques.


Honeycomb radiators could be oriented either way as well, but the flow is not in a specific direction. The fluid has to change directions more than once to get around each of the tubes.

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True, but in the case of the Dodge, the radiator hoses on top and bottom indicate vertical flow (on average).  I don't doubt the honeycomb style is better (more efficient) at transferring heat to the air.  The down side is they can't be rodded out and they're quite a bit more expensive to replace with another HC.  I opted for a 'modern' core which is similar to the type used in mid-50s GM heater cores, according to my radiator guy.  Bit it's basically flat tubes passing through fins.  I believe you can also buy round tube construction, which is how many Dodges were originally but when I priced things (~5 years ago), the round tube core was an extra $1000.


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The tubes in my 28 dodge Senior looks like brake line copper  tubes . It is very sturdy, Even the fins are sturdy The thermostat housing is very large but I do not know where to buy a thermostat for it so installed one in the top hose. Worked fine.

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