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2020 Gettysburg Special meet registration confirmation


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Just a quick question on registration confirmation.  I was looking to see if I could confirm registration, but note that my check has not cleared my bank account yet.  Has the meet processed the checks, or not yet? 

My registration was sent in a week prior to the deadline, but hoping the difficulties with the USPS haven't gotten in the way.  Thank you. 


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Got ,my confirmation by calling the office. A few days later the confirmation came in the mail also. Looking forward to the Meet. So far the weather seems like it will be great.

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I check with my father who sent his in really early.  His hasn't cleared either.  We are thinking they might be waiting until just before the actual show, in the crazy event they have to refund.  Just a guess, we do not have proof.

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Most likely the you are good to go. The Club Guys running the event have a lot to get done that is time restricted. Getting Checks cashed can be done later. I sent mine in and didn't worry about confirmation. If there is a problem it can quickly be resolved when you enter the show field and pick up the registration card that goes on the wind shield for Judging. You can also go in to the Windom Hotel where AACA has reserved a room free hand outs, goody bags and can get the answers about Confirmation if there is a problem. 


At the prior Grand National event I used a credit card for payment over the phone, but for the Special Meet I sent them a Check. 

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20 hours ago, retro54 said:

Doug, Agreed.  Just came up in conversation with Dad, so thought I would just check. Shouldn't be an issue, I agree. 


When I send a Check for these kinds of events, I print a copy of my registration information and  print a copy of the check with it. 

This ends any confusion or doubts. I also carry a copy for verification if needed at the show.

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21 hours ago, Pat Buckley said:

All checks were deposited on Sunday, November 1st.  If you want email confirmation, please email me at pbuckley@aaca.org.



Check has cleared the bank, thank you Pat.  Hope you have a smooth week leading up to the show.

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Guest Mark McAlpine

Yesterday (Tues, 2 Nov 2020), AACA HQ e-mailed the info below to all registered participants:



2020 AACA Special Fall Nationals Attendees
November 6-7, 2020
These are challenging and unprecedented times, and AACA has literally moved mountains at great expense to provide you with a venue to enjoy the hobby. We hope our substantial efforts meet with your approval. We certainly appreciate your willingness to join us for what we hope to be a great event.
This, however, is a time we also need YOUR cooperation. It is a time to put politics and personal beliefs aside, to help us have as safe an event as possible in keeping with mandates of Federal, State, and Local agencies. 
The club is providing masks for our judges, implementing new judging procedures, and making many other changes to keep folks safe. Additionally, we have rented bathroom facilities along with handwashing stations and sanitizing trees. Upon entering the grounds, we will ask you to allow us to take your temperature with forehead readers. The hotels will require masks while inside their buildings. 
It is so important for us to keep everyone as safe as possible while conducting this event. We value your lives, and we also want to continue our shows for the near future. So, please make sure you have your mask on while on the show field or attending any other functions on the grounds. Please understand many in attendance are worried about catching the virus and are coming to Gettysburg with some trepidation. Help us make their day better. We respectfully ask that you please wear your masks at all times during our activities! The club was able to host a successful 2020 Grand Nationals at this same facility in August because of the great cooperation by our members.
The show is scattered around the Wyndham property by design. We hate not being as close together as normal, but it was a condition of being allowed to have the show on the hotel grounds. Socially distancing the show into many areas helps us meet agency mandates, as well as setting a great example for what can be done. 
Upon conclusion of the show, awards will be given out in the grass area directly in front of the Wyndham by the awards tent. Please wear your masks and listen closely for your name to be called. The awards will stay in their boxes to facilitate the day, keep exposure down, and to allow you to travel with them easier. As in everything we do during the pandemic, we must make adjustments to our program. To not have you wait in the sun or stand for a long time, we plan to invite members to the award tent in groups by class. This will give you more time to put away your car, get a refreshment or relax until your name is called. We will start from Class 1A and work our way through class 39, along with HPOF and DPC classes. We will announce with bullhorns for each group to come up, so be somewhere around the awards area please! You can be assured that this is not an optimum plan for us but an accommodation we need to make given the circumstances. 
Some added information for your visit:
  1. Registration is in the Wyndham Gettysburg in the Eisenhower Room (to the right of the entrance), starting at 9 a.m. on Friday morning. If the room is busy, please wait out in the hall. Saturday registration will be at the entrance to the show field.
  2. RV Parking is through the hotel, they have a list of those of you who have asked for RV parking. There is a charge.
Now you know what we know at this point! Everyday another challenge is being thrown at us to successfully host you and we are doing our best to adjust. It is likely we will still be putting the finishing touches on things right up to the event. Hosting an event and attending an event this year has proven to be a tough job, but together we have succeeded when so many doubted us. You may not be aware of this, but Nationals are not at all profitable for AACA and those that receive trophies will quickly understand why. However, our goal has always been to be the premiere car club in the world and as such it is important to have great events for our members. Please relax as best as you can, understand that we have pulled this together with no lead time and that between the hotel group, volunteers from other regions and AACA, we all are TRYING to make this a memorable weekend for you. Thanks for your understanding.
We can't wait to see you in a few days!!
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Thanks for sharing this Mark. See you and Marion Friday I hope. Also a big thank you to all AACA National and Regional staff, members, attendees, etc for making this happen. It is an honor and a privilege  to be able to attend at this facility again. Everyone should also realize the extent of the effort required to make this event happen. There is no other organization in the USA and possibly the world that has made the effort and the logistics to make an event of this size happen in these trying times in the show car world. The rules seem simple enough and hopefully will be taken seriously by all attending. The Grand National held at this venue was a success thanks to all that attended and followed the rules for the most part. As an individual with pre existing conditions I am feeling comfortable attending and will make sure to be diligent in doing my part to stay safe myself and help in any way I can to also make everyone else feel safe. I expect the same in return. Putting out this flyer only makes me feel and I am sure many others more comfortable in attending. See you all Friday. I will be coming early Friday to have the opportunity to see the Race car and Motorcycle checks. To say I am looking forward to seeing old and new friends is an understatement Sorry for the long post. THANK YOU AACA!!

Edited by philip roitman (see edit history)
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