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Detroit Lubricator / Stewart customer list


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In a different lifetime, I started to write a book on Detroit Lubricator and Stewart carburetors. The Stewart Carburetor Company was a division of the Detroit Lubricator Company, so I have included both.


I have long since realized that the book is not going to happen. But I thought some might like to see the customer list, at least of what I have been able to research.


And apologies beforehand to any of you who have Graham blood running in your veins. I have spent hundreds of hours poring over Graham material, and have come to the conclusion that it is much easier to work with Toyota books than Graham (and no, I do not read and write Kanji!!!).


One other apology, while I can line up table columns on my own website, doing so on this forum is an art that has eluded me! ;) 


As always, with any of my posts, documented corrections are ALWAYS welcome. No ego here, simply a desire to organize and share information.





Detroit / Stewart customer list


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Cadillac              1932           12          368 370-B (left)                                     51     894184

 Cadillac              1932           12          368 370-B (right)                                    51     894183

 Cadillac              1932           16          452 452-B (left)                                     51     896327

 Cadillac              1932           16          452 452-B (right)                                    51     896326

 Cadillac              1933           12          368 370-C (left)                                     51     894184

 Cadillac              1933           12          368 370-C (right)                                    51     894183

 Cadillac              1933           16          452 452-C (left)                                     51     896327

 Cadillac              1933           16          452 452-C (right)                                    51     896326

 Cadillac              1934            8          353 355-D                            1640            51    1408233

 Cadillac              1934           12          368 370-D (left)                     1683            51    1404894

 Cadillac              1934           12          368 370-D (right)                    1682            51    1404893

 Cadillac              1934           16          452 452-D (left)                     1681            51    1404923

 Cadillac              1934           16          452 452-D (right)                    1680            51    1404922

 Cadillac              1935            8          353 355-D                            1640            51    1408233

 Cadillac              1935           12          368 370-D (left)                     1683            51    1404894

 Cadillac              1935           12          368 370-D (right)                    1682            51    1404893

 Cadillac              1935           16          452 452-D (left)                     1681            51    1404923

 Cadillac              1935           16          452 452-D (right)                    1680            51    1404922

 Cadillac              1936           12          368 36-80, 36-85 (left)              1753            51    1414375

 Cadillac              1936           12          368 36-80, 36-85 (right)             1752            51    1414374

 Cadillac              1936           16          452 36-90 (left)                     1681            51    1404923

 Cadillac              1936           16          452 36-90 (right)                    1680            51    1404922

 Cadillac              1937           12          368 37-85                            1752            51    1414374

 Cadillac              1937           12          368 37-85 (left)                     1753            51    1414375

 Cadillac              1937           16          452 36-90 (right)                    1680            51    1404922

 Cadillac              1937           16          452 37-90 (left)                     1681            51    1404923


 Chevrolet             1923            4          171 Superior (Canada)                                25

 Chevrolet             1924            4          171 Superior (Canada)                                25


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Chrysler              1925            4          186 58                                               30

 Chrysler              1926            4          186 58                                               30


 Colonial              1917            6          191


 Dixie Flyer           1920            4          192 HS-60


 Dodge                 1914            4          212 30, 35                                           25

 Dodge                 1915            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1915            4          212 30, 35                                           25

 Dodge                 1916            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1917            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1918            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1919            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1920            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1921            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1922            4          212 30                                               25

 Dodge                 1923            4          212 116                                              25

 Dodge                 1924            4          212 116                                 3            25

 Dodge                 1924            4          212 116                                 4            25

 Dodge                 1925            4          212 116                                 4            25

 Dodge                 1926            4          212 126                               350            25

 Dodge                 1926            4          212 126                               351            25

 Dodge                 1927            4          212 126                               355            25

 Dodge                 1927            4          212 126                               550            25

 Dodge                 1927            4          212 Fast Four                         851            25

 Dodge                 1928            6          208 Standard six, Victory             855            25


 Essex                 1918            4          179

 Essex                 1919            4          179

 Essex                 1920            4          179

 Essex                 1921            4          179

 Essex                 1922            4          179

 Essex                 1923            4          179

 Essex                 1924            6          145                                    55            25


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Essex                 1925            6          145                                    55            25

 Essex                 1925            6          145                                    57            25

 Essex                 1926            6          145                                    58            25

 Essex                 1927            6          153                                    59            25

 Essex                 1928            6          153                                    59            25


 F.R.P.                1914            4          454 A, B, C

 F.R.P.                1915            4          454 A, B, C

 F.R.P.                1916            4          449 45

 F.R.P.                1917            4          449 45-A

 F.R.P.                1918            4          449 45-B


 Ford                  1932            8          221

 Ford                  1933            8          221


 Graham                1930            6          207 Standard Six                                     51      74904

 Graham                1930            6          224 Special Six                                      51      74903

 Graham                1930            8          299 822                                              51      75245

 Graham                1930            8          299 834                                              51      75245

 Graham                1930            8          299 Special Eight                                    51      75245

 Graham                1930            8          299 Standard Eight                                   51      75245

 Graham                1930            8          322 Custom Eight                                     51

 Graham                1931            6          207 46 (Standard Six)                                51      76127

 Graham                1931            6          224 45 (Special Six)                                 51      76126

 Graham                1931            6          224 53 (Standard Six)                1040            51      76909

 Graham                1931            6          224 54 (Special Six)                 1040            51      76909

 Graham                1931            8          245 820 (2nd series)                 1030            51      77091

 Graham                1931            8          299 822                                              51      75245

 Graham                1931            8          299 834                                              51      75245

 Graham                1931            8          299 Special (1st series)                             51

 Graham                1931            8          299 Standard Eight                                   51

 Graham                1931            8          322 Custom                                           51

 Graham                1932            6          224 53 (Standard Six)                1040            51      76909

 Graham                1932            6          224 54 (Special Six)                 1040            51      76909


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Graham                1932            8          245 57 (Blue Streak)                 1030            51      78496

 Graham                1932            8          245 820                              1030            51      77091

 Graham                1932            8          299 822                               855            51      76553

 Graham                1932            8          299 822                                              51      75245

 Graham                1932            8          299 834                                              51      76553

 Graham                1932            8          299 834                                              51      75245

 Graham                1932            8          322 837                                              51

 Graham                1933            6          224 65 (Standard Six)                1580            51      79577

 Graham                1933            6          224 Standard Six (2nd                1040            51

 Graham                1933            8          245 57 (Blue Streak)                 1030            51      78496

 Graham                1933            8          245 57A (Custom Eight)               1030            51      78496

 Graham                1933            8          245 63, 64                           1030            51

 Graham                1934            6          224 65 (Standard Six)                1580            51      79577

 Graham                1934            6          245 64 (Standard Eight)              1030            51      78496


 Graham-Paige          1930            6          191 612                                              51      74904

 Graham-Paige          1930            6          224 615                                              51      74903


 Hollier               1915            8          240

 Hollier               1916            8          240

 Hollier               1917            6          180 186                                              25

 Hollier               1917            8          240 178                                              25

 Hollier               1919            6          211 206                                              25

 Hollier               1919            8          240 188, 198                                         25


 Hudson                1917            6          289 H, J

 Hudson                1918            6          289 M

 Hudson                1919            6          289 O

 Hudson                1920            6          289 O

 Hudson                1921            6          289

 Hudson                1922            6          289

 Hudson                1923            6          289                                    75            25

 Hudson                1923            6          289

 Hudson                1924            6          289                                    76            25


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Hudson                1925            6          289                                    77            25

 Hudson                1925            6          289                                    78            25

 Hudson                1925            6          289                                    79            25

 Hudson                1926            6          289                                    80            25


 Hupmobile             1925            6          196 A-1                                              25

 Hupmobile             1926            6          196 A-5                                              25


 Kline                 1916            6          224 36


 Lozier                1914            4          369 84 (29 HP)

 Lozier                1916            4          369 84 (29 HP)

 Lozier                1917            4          369 84 (29 HP)

 Lozier                1918            4          369 84 (29 HP)


 Maxwell               1923            4          186                                                  25

 Maxwell               1924            4          186                                                  25

 Maxwell               1925            4          186                                                  30


 New Era               1933


 Packard               1905            4          266 N                                                        83217

 Packard               1906            4          350 S (24)                                                   83218

 Packard               1907            4          432 U (30

 Packard               1908            4          432 UA (30)                                                  83220

 Packard               1909            4          266 NA (18)                                                  89618

 Packard               1909            4          432 UB, UBS (30)

 Packard               1910            4          266 NB (18)                                                  89618

 Packard               1910            4          432 UC, UCS (30)

 Packard               1911            4          266 NC (18)                                                  89618

 Packard               1911            4          432 UD, UDS (30)

 Packard               1912            4          266 NE (18)                                                  89618

 Packard               1912            4          432 UE (30                                                   89617

 Packard               1912            6          525 Series 1-48                                              21113

 Packard               1913            6          415 Series 1-38                                              40565

 Packard               1913            6          525 Series 2-48                                              22958

 Packard               1914            6          415 Series 1-38                                              40565


Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Packard               1914            6          415 Series 2-38                                              39176

 Packard               1914            6          525 Series 3-48                                              47538

 Packard               1914            6          525 Series 4-48                                              49872

 Packard               1915            6          415 Series 3-38                                              60169

 Packard               1915            6          525 Series 5-48                                              60940

 Packard               1916           12          424 Series 1-25, 1-35                                        62991

 Packard               1917           12          424 Series 2-25, 2-35                                        76617

 Packard               1918           12          424 Series 3-25

 Packard               1918           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1919           12          424 Series 3-25

 Packard               1919           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1920           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1921            6          242 116

 Packard               1921           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1922            6          242 116

 Packard               1922            6          268 126                                                     118982

 Packard               1922            6          268 133                                                     118982

 Packard               1922           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1923            6          268 126                                                     118982

 Packard               1923            6          268 133                                                     118982

 Packard               1923           12          424 Series 3-35

 Packard               1924            6          268 126                                                     118982

 Packard               1924            6          268 133                                                     118982

 Packard               1924            8          358 136                                                     126519

 Packard               1924            8          358 143                                                     126519

 Packard               1925            6          268 226                                                     118982

 Packard               1925            6          268 233                                                     118982

 Packard               1925            8          358 136                                                     126519

 Packard               1925            8          358 143                                                     126519

 Packard               1926            6          289 326                                                     118982

 Packard               1926            6          289 333                                                     118982


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Packard               1926            8          358 236                                                     126519

 Packard               1926            8          358 243                                                     126519

 Packard               1927            6          289 426                                                     141420

 Packard               1927            6          289 433                                                     141420

 Packard               1927            8          385 336                                                     141439

 Packard               1927            8          385 343                                                     141439

 Packard               1928            6          289 526                                                     145998

 Packard               1928            6          289 533                                                     145998

 Packard               1928            8          385 443                                                     145999

 Packard               1929            8          319 626                                                     163391

 Packard               1929            8          319 626                               750            51

 Packard               1929            8          319 633                                                     163391

 Packard               1929            8          319 633                               750            51

 Packard               1929            8          385 640                                                     145999

 Packard               1929            8          385 640                               775            51

 Packard               1929            8          385 640                               776            51

 Packard               1929            8          385 645                               776            51

 Packard               1929            8          385 645                                                     145999

 Packard               1929            8          385 645                               775            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 726                               753            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 726                               755            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 726                               756            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 726                               754            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 726                               757            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 733                               756            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 733                               753            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 733                               755            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 733                               754            51

 Packard               1930            8          319 733                               757            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 734                               825            51     179852

 Packard               1930            8          385 734                               825            51     178032


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               781            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               782            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               779            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               780            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               778            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 740                               776            51     176825

 Packard               1930            8          385 745                               778            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 745                               776            51     176825

 Packard               1930            8          385 745                               780            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 745                               779            51

 Packard               1930            8          385 745                               782            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               762            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               759            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               758            51     190607

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               763            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               760            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               764            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 826                               761            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               761            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               759            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               758            51     190607

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               763            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               760            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               762            51

 Packard               1931            8          319 833                               764            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 840                               787            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 840                               786            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 840                               788            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 840                               784            51     190608

 Packard               1931            8          385 840                               785            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 845                               785            51


 Make                  Year    Cylinders          CID Model                       ID number         Model       O.E.


 Packard               1931            8          385 845                               786            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 845                               787            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 845                               788            51

 Packard               1931            8          385 845                               784            51     190608

 Packard               1932            8          319 900                               200            51     202644

 Packard               1932            8          319 901                               764            51     190491

 Packard               1932            8          319 902                               764            51     190491

 Packard               1932            8          385 903                               788            51     190490

 Packard               1932            8          385 903                               789            51

 Packard               1932            8          385 904                               788            51     190490

 Packard               1932            8          385 904                               789            51


 Paige                 1913            4          251 F                                                12

 Paige                 1914            4          251 F                                                12

 Paige                 1915            4          251 F                                                12

 Paige                 1930                           Commercial Car


 Pilgrim               1915            4          188

 Pilgrim               1916            4          188


 Regal                 1915            4          154 E

 Regal                 1915            4          221 D, R (39 HP)

 Regal                 1916            4          221 D, E                                             25

 Regal                 1916            8          254 F                                                25

Edited by carbking (see edit history)
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West - yes, there were some other differences as well.


The Packard section is easier to understand if one checks the listing on my website which gives more information than the index:




Detroit Lubricator made running changes. On the Packards, the identification is in the format: myynnn


m = month (A=January, B=February, etc.

yy = last two digits in the year (29 = 1929, 30 = 1930, etc.)

nnn = is what we would normally think of a tag number


Example: A30753 was produced in January 1930, and was tag number 753. Checking the chart shows this to be used on a 1930 726 or 733 from January through April. Those carbs built in Feb, Mar, or April would have different letter prefixes.


The 734 used two carbs:


A-30825 (Packard number 178032) from January through February

C-30825 (Packard number 179852) from March forward


Difficult for me to tell from the Packard literature, but seems there was a high compression cylinder head, and a low compression cylinder head. The calibrations in the carburetors were changed accordingly.





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  • 3 years later...
On 9/4/2024 at 9:30 AM, donjwork said:

hi everybody, I got a question how to identify a Stewart carburtor  only number is A-27855


Dodge Brothers about 1926 or 1927 after they dropped the starter/generator and went to the separate starter and generator. The fuel bowl swapped sides, before that it was on the other side. 

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