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BCA Board of Directors Minutes Web Address

Guest scott mich bca # 6619

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

The web address for the minutes of the last 2<BR>BCA Board of Directors' meetings is available<BR>for all to view. You may find this very interesting.<P>The Address is:<BR> <A HREF="http://www.buickclub.org/BODminutes" TARGET=_blank>www.buickclub.org/BODminutes</A> <P>Scott Mich BCA # 6619<BR>1955-76C<BR>Assistant Director<BR>Chicagoland Chapter<BR>

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Guest my3buicks

It's good that we can finally get this stuff online. It has been something that has been asked for and denied the membership for a while now. Now maybe more members can see what's going on in the club and take a more active role in feedback to the officers.<P>------------------<BR>Keith Bleakney BCA# 11475<P>1967 Technical Advisor<P>1 - 1967 (3517) & 1 - 1953 (56R)

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Jeff and / or Roberta,<BR>I hope you read this and I am wondering if the latest minutes from Buffalo are going to be added. I think it is good to have these available to those who are interested and I hope we keep putting them online.<BR>Thanks<BR>Bill

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Well, now we can look at the minutes of the BOD. Of course, we only get to see the last few meetings, you think these are interesting to read, you should see all of them going back two or three years. Then you would know why we are in financial trouble. At least you can see some of the poor decisions made in the last year, eg. Bugle costs more now. So far it has, I challenge the BOD to prove otherwise. I hope that reading these minutes will compel BCA members to get more active in the voting. Only about 1000 of an almost 10000 member club bothered to vote. This year we seem to have chosen three new people who seem to care over two that are partially responsible for the condition the club is in. That is a positive step, these three individuals can work with the couple of directors that do not seem to have a personal agenda and maybe something will improve. I would run for the BOD, but since the meetings have to be all over the place instead of near an airport that is easy to fly in and out of for a reasonable price, I can't afford the time or the money. I guess also our webmistress may even create a link on the webpage to the printed minutes once she gets done adding more crap to her signature on her posts. (Oops, now this this reply will be short-lived.)Once the link is up, then I really hope that the membership sees what is going on. Thank you Mr. Mich for getting the link so some can see the minutes. I hope that anyone who is interested in seeing more will contact thier chapter director and some copies of previous minutes are made available. The BOD actions of the last three years or so has given you what you have for YOUR club. I hope that this step in making information available inspires many to stand up and demand that this club is run in a professional manner and does not lose money. I should apologize for the banter, but actions cause reactions, thank the BOD. I just hope some get to read this before it get deleted by the administrator.

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First, the Minutes from the July BOD and General Membership Meeting were approved last night. Those two sets of Minutes as well as the April Minutes should be posted next week.<P>If you would like to see the financials from The Bugle, you are most welcome to e mail me at: Jeff1952@railvan.com. In fact, financials were handed out at the General Membership Meeting in Buffalo and reviewed by our Auditor, Joel Gauthier.<P>The cost of the printing and editing of The Bugle is less than last year. The cost of the postage is more and we knew that going in. We cannot, unfortunately control the charges we are accessed by the Post Office.<P>The Minutes are being posted because we wanted members of the Club to have free access to the Minutes.

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Guest John Chapman

Dear Unregister User Longtime BCA Member,<P>As a BCA member and registered user, I think your insightful comments would bear more consideration if you'd register and come out from behind your cloak of anonymity.<P>While it is important to realize the mistakes of the past, inflammatory comments to place blame are of little use in supporting the constructive problem resolution currently underway.<P>Since I joined the BCA, I've found the board responsive to requests for information and forthright about posting the links to the board minutes. Perhaps its the tone of the request that sets the nature of the response.<P>John

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If the "long time member" were to check ,I am sure he would realize that if the board from the last few years hadn't stepped in ,the BCA would be insolvent by now. You cannot spend more that you get for long before it causes REAl problems ,and that is what was happening. The board (which receives no compensation)is trying to bring the BCA back to a solid financial base and is working diligently for us . I,for one am thankful that they are doing what has to be done ,even if some people are too blind to see that this organization was in serious trouble

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I normally don’t respond to people making incorrect accusations, especially those who are too embarrassed to post their name. I remember you attending the Board of Directors Meeting in Tampa, but like you, I can’t remember your name. Guess the lure of Florida in February was just too much for someone from Minnesota to resist, since you “can’t afford the time or the money.”<P>What a shame that you and your small band of misinformed cohorts chose to spread negative propaganda about the club instead of using your energies for something positive. You have been provided with facts and figures numerous times, yet you chose to ignore the truth, but instead spread vicious lies and slanderous remarks that only serve to undermine the BCA. <P>You were correct when you said, “The BOD actions of the last three years or so has given you what you have for YOUR club.” If it wasn’t for the insight and heads-up action of these board members, there very well might not be a club in the near future. Instead of seeing the BCA plunged into financial disaster, the educated board members including Eichelberger, Vasilow, Brashares, and I made financially sound decisions to put the club back on track. In addition to savings of thousands of dollars, the BCA now has a high quality publication, and a friendly, efficient office, too!<P>What is even sadder is that your small group of misinformed dissidents doesn’t even make any contributions to the BCA. You don’t serve on boards, you don’t judge cars, you don’t show cars, you don’t even attend the Nationals, but you found time to fix board elections the past few years, and pass judgment on those who have given countless hours of their time and talents, and many dollars out of their own pockets to make this the best possible club for ALL BCA members, not just a few!<P>You don’t realize that you are being used – you’re just puppets for those selfish members who abused the BCA for their own financial gain for years. Those are the very people who plunged the club into near financial disaster. You truly don’t want to hear the truth even when it is being offered and available to you.<P>By the way, I have a great idea how you can run for the BOD and win. You are in sympathy with the Heartland philosophy; you’d be the ideal candidate. I’m sure they would be more than happy to pay for your airfare and hotel for the meetings. Since they control the elections, you’re a shoe-in, even if no one knows your name!<P>Ken Liska, BCA #6396 (Longtime member – only 4 digits)<BR>BDE #2 (Really Longtime member)<BR>Former BCA Board Member and Vice President – now I can be politically incorrect!<P><BR>PS – Thank you “Old Guy” for your vote of confidence. The majority of the BCA understands and agrees with your comments.

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I asked the question so that we would get the minutes on the web again. The most recent minutes are at the link now.<BR>I appreciate that and I am glad to see the direction the club is going. Yes we had some rough times for a while but I have confidence in the board that we have. I am glad people like Jeff and Ken and Roberta made the tough decisions when they did.<BR>Jeff, congratulations on being president again, you are what the club needs at this point in time.<BR>Bill

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A little F.Y.I. here for everyone concerned about the Board of Directors meeting minutes. The Buffalo BOD minutes will be in the mail tomorrow morning to every listed Buick Club Chapter Director, so if you give it a few days anyone attending Chapter meetings can ask to see the BOD minutes, as well as the General Membership Meeting minutes. The new National Office has sent out the last 2 or 3 BOD minutes as soon as they are approved, and will continue to do so without fail. Please ask your Chapter Director to read the minutes, or at least make them availabe. grin.gif" border="0 <P>Mike & Nancy Book BCA # 9202<BR>BCA National Office Managers

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