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:) Las Thursday night I was looking at the C B S news at 6.30 by Nora  Odenell. At the end there is usually a feature news clip of some thing unusual by a Dr. La Pook. This one was about a young couple with a toddler who is deaf and was able to communicate only with her parents in American sign language. When the neighbours found out about her plight 10 people hired a sign language teacher to teach them sign language. Then the class increased by thirty and kept increasing. So she has an entire street to converse with. This happened in some New Jersey Suburb . This news has re enforced my faith in human beings after loosing it for a while .If there is a God it is reflected in the hearts of the residents of the neighbourhood. To those residents I say THANK YOU. GOD BLESS. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

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Great story trini.  There was also a recent u-tube video of an infant hearing his mothers voice for the first time thanks to hearing aids,  If the child is old enough to communicate  by signing it is probably old enough for cochlear implant surgery (12 months).  Without auditory input speech and languish skills cannot ever develop' normally. 

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