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Charlie B.

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[color:\\"red\\"]ALF here. JJ is still petulant, but considering his young age (67), it's understandable. When he's my age (222 Melmacian years come January), he'll be better able to cope. I tried to register, but Hall Monitor Roberta (or someone else in the Establishment) refuses to let me in. Something about an alphanumeric username not being able to use special characters (?!) because it might spoof someone. There's only one ALF; that's me, so I guess I'll sit this one out with JJ.

Love ya all; have a great '03!


1947 Schwinn

1949 red REO Flyer

1953 copy of Playboy with Marilyn Monroe on the cover; now that's what Earthlings should look like!

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Guest Greg Ross

<span style="font-weight: bold">Exile</span> is really not an option, look where it got <span style="font-weight: bold">Napoleon!</span> grin.gif

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Guest Brolliar

ALF, good to hear from you. Say, you could register as THE REAL ALF or ALFfriendofJJ or ALFfromMelmac or something like that. After you write a bit we will know it is the real you just from your writing style.

Looking forward to hearing from you again. Oh and could you post that pic of Marilyn?

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GMRoss: Think he died of syphillis on Elba. Nice place but not a nice malady.

[color:\\"red\\"] <span style="font-weight: bold">ALF1</span>

<span style="font-style: italic">The real thing; accept no substitutes!</span> (Some dirty bird registered the name ALF.)

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a) Alf owns a Chinese restaurant ?

B) Nappy returned from Elba so they sent him to St. Helena which was as far away from habitation as they knew o.

c) I worked for a time on Ascension Island. The closest land to Ascension is St. Helena.

d) Was a wonderful day for a drive - left Orlando just before 8 am and in New Orleans by 4 pm. PROMs R Us.

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Guest joereatta

Maturity must be a state of mind 'cause age sure don't cause it. Let me think; your petulence was due to someone offering to pay more for a possibly more valuable vehicle than you were willing to pay? Contributions aside, you are obviously too high maintenance. As far as I'm concerned, you can stay away. Your childish response should ban you from the forum.Not anonymous. joe

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Joe, meet Robert.

Robert, avoid Joe.


[color:\\"red\\"] rrs814


Reged: 05/26/02

Posts: 80

Loc: Portland, Oregon

Re: 1990 convertable for sale $3000 [re: jjroverholdings]

11/17/02 10:51 AM Edit Reply

Glad to see that HONOR still has exsists sometimes. Regardless of the type of "forum", a true gentleman (or gentleperson) that offers an item for sale, then gets a legitimate "sold" responce WILL honor it. Integrity IS important.

Robert Russell

Grey/Blue int 1990 Convertible

Blk/Blk lthr '90 SeVille

Grey/Grey lthr '90 Eldorado Biarritz

<span style="font-weight: bold">Joe: What else could I say about someone who's owned four Hyundais -- and whose spelling is worse than mine?</span>

[color:\\"blue\\"]<span style="font-weight: bold">ALF1</span> smirk.gif

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<span style="font-weight: bold">My Lunk!</span> <span style="font-style: italic">(our deity on Melmac)</span>

Are you telling me I've been living with Joe Lieberman all these years? I knew that whiny voice sounded familiar.

ALF1 (accept not substitutes)

P.S. Welcome to the Forum. Mostly good Earthlings here.

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ROFLOL! Like most good forums people have, well should I say strong opinions.

Are you sure Alf1 and Joereatta are not married?

Joereatta and Alf1 take a chill pill, sit back adjust the little umbrella take a big gulp and enjoy.

Alf1 yes you have been living with Joe Liebermann all this time! <VBG> PLEASE send him to your home planet for a few decades or until he gets over his ilness.

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Guest joereatta

Not sure what your response had to do with integrity.Is there integrity in acting like a spoiled child when it was pointed out that a better price could be had for the vert? Integrity in putting others down to make yourself feel better? If so, then you are the one with the MOST integrity on this forum. Congrats-You win! joe

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Dear Joe:

The convertible sale is old news; nearly 1100 people viewed the thread. A few were pro, a few were con; most yawned and went on with their lives. Why, Joe, are you continuing to beat this dead horse? This current thread is about the return of ALF, and is no threat to you. If you read the posts, it's just a warm'n'fuzzy bit of fluff, with absolutely no reference to anything in the past. Please don't be mean-spirited; why are you bringing up something that's long since dead and in the ground? At this point, I don't even have the heart to be sarcastic. Please, Joe, just go away. No one is pissing on your parade; what pleasure are you taking from this? Re-read the posts; is there anything other than gentle kidding?

Jerry Sellers

P.S. < [color:\\"white\\"]Regulars, am I missing something here? Why did this person have to crash into a kinder, gentler thread with his vitrol? I no longer have the stomach to tell this jerk to go f=== himself, or that if he were within reach, I'd crush his jaw, nose and both cheekbones...with a smile on my face.>

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The city of brotherly love has nothing for you ALF your not HUMAN!

Adults fighting over a deal posted by an other ADULT who chose his selling price despite the fact he knew it was below market price. frown.gif

I have a way of settling this once and for all SEND me the Reatta for $3000.00 I will donate $500.00 each to ANY CHARITY YOU TWO decide on! ($1,000.00 total)

I get a Reatta Vert for 4K you two get to avoide a lump of coal in your stocking this Christmas! Deal? tongue.gif

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Nic, I would if I could. But remember, she was a redheaded kid then, stretched out on red velvet. JJ tells me he was a young Marine when he bought the first issue of Playboy, just out of combat training and on his way to Korea. It was the first time a magazine actually had...uh...nipples showing. Very heady stuff; the magazine accompanied JJ overseas and provided many late-night...uh...fantasies in a lonely, far-off land. You Earthlings...!


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Karlton, you sly dog:

Love your phrase, "send me the..." which JJ interprets as "you pay for the shipping." Keep in mind it's costing JJ $960 to have the car shipped from Minnesota to California. If you want to renew your offer, modifying it to "$3960 plus $500 to charity for each of you," then we can talk about your taking delivery here in California. Until then, it's just a case of "talk is cheap" and/or "put up or shut up."

Luv ya, guy!


P.S. <[color:\\"white\\"] Regulars: What's with these people? They just won't give up. Are they envious, or just demented? Can't they let go?>

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Alf your built too low the fast ones go right over your head. <V tongue.gif V tongue.gif V tongue.gif V tongue.gif V tongue.gif V tongue.gif VBG>

No joke if the Reatta is such a sticking point to harmony on the conference I will be happy to make a donation and give a Reatta a new home in California.

Or Joe I can make a donation to TOYS for TOTS if you give it a rest PLEASE!!!

In other words we are hear to learn and have some fun and talk cars not hate. ALF U Da FIR BALL!


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Has the car been shipped?

Correct if it has already been shipped I would have to step up to the plate as it were on shipping cost. tongue.gif If you had not guessed, this is with a MASSIVE GRAIN of SALT! (but if he falls for it hehehehehehehe)

My goal is to have fun here learning about Reatta, get a Reatta then have more fun here fixing my Reatta. If it was only Ber. / Tan <VBG>

When the word, "integrity" comes into play I have YET to meet a MARINE who served I would not trust with my very life or my childrens lifes. We already have many times let JJ know that ALF! (as if he did not know already)

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Y'know, you Earthlings are okay. At first, all that skin with no fur gave me the creeps. But as the years here have passed, and I've seen JJ's fur disappear from the top of his head, it's become more palatable. But why when it leaves the top of his head does it start growing in his ears and nose? I'll never understand you Earthlings.

ALF1 (accept no substitutes!)

P.S. Karlton, have you ever had feline fondue? Ummm, delicious with gorgonzola and chianti. laugh.gif

P.P.S. Idle Swede, back to your shuffleboard court. wink.gif

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Belated welcome back to you JJ.

Yup no mistaking it, JJ is back. JJ what part of the Reatta Forum and helping other Reatta owners with Reatta related problems don't you understand?

I would suggest that since back 90% frown.gif of your posts have been colorful and sadly off topic mad.gif.

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Guest joereatta

First off, I had no interest in the $3000 vert. I was not one of those that responded to that post.What irked me was jj's response to those who did respond- his put down of those responders because he thought he might not get the car when others started offering higher bids. What ticked me off was his response to edbso when he had the audacity to express his opinion regarding the apparently low price. His mighty stand for integrity by withdrawing immediately from the forum(only to return as anonymous and now, alf) How he erased his postings. So now, all is forgiven but not necessarily forgotten. No, I had no interest in the convertible. Yes, I have a Hyundai and have had 3 before this one each retired after over 125k with never having seen the inside of the dealership(i.e. no major/minor repairs). And yes, like it or not I have my opinion regarding jj's behavior.

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Okay you have your ideas, your opinions your thoughts and had the only 4 hyundais that did not rust in the dealership.

Now please get off ALFs......... Arse and get back to constructive or fun posts! tongue.gif

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Guest Reatta1

Came back from several days out of town and found this. LOVE it. If you want to check out some other pokes and prods take a look at the '1947 Roadmaster' thread in the AACA general forum. The back and forth with Pete Hartman is interesting to say the least.

And welcome back and looking good, Alf grin.gifgrin.gif

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<span style="font-style: italic"> <span style="font-weight: bold">J[color:\\"pink\\"]J;

Your silence is thu[color:\\"red\\"]ndering! Says a lot. You ask for an op[color:\\"green\\"]portunity to talk. When reminded that you have had that opportunity all along and you still don't take advantage of it. Go figure.

Don't even thin[color:\\"blue\\"]k of it now. I have been doing some crystal ball reading and I foresee that I will be out "scouting garage sales, where he can te[color:\\"purple\\"]ll sellers that their stuff is under/overpriced" when you try.

You and Alf shou[color:\\"brown\\"]ld take your posts to the comedy network, not the Reatta Forum. Mylast 2cts 4 U </span> </span>

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EDBSO: Was that your final, final, final two farthings? Promise?

Love ya, baby.


P.S. Your multi-color postings remind me of the old Burt Reynolds movie, wherein he said, "It looks like Walt Disney just threw up!"

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