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Frustrating to finally find the info you need but with dead picture links

'91 Polo Green

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Maybe one of you that has a say over this forum could add a Sticky to let people know that they should only be "Attaching" "Previously Saved" pictures from their hard drives, instead of linking to cloud servers. Especially anything to do with google accounts!


OR, maybe code the interface to prevent it in the first place. 


Nothing more frustrating than to finally find the info you need but with dead picture links, because the poster's cloud picture library no longer exists.  


- just a thought . . . not kvetching, just sayin'

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3 hours ago, '91 Polo Green said:

Maybe one of you that has a say over this forum could add a Sticky to let people know that they should only be "Attaching" "Previously Saved" pictures from their hard drives,


That would be overly restrictive for those of us who like to share information. For instance I copy photos from my website and other websites to the posts I make in this forum all the time to help others with their problems.    As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  I understand your frustration with broken links but no need to put restrictions on everyone for the mistakes of a few.

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Hi Ronnie,

I understand what you are saying - so here is the thang though:


"For instance I copy photos from my website and other websites to the posts I make in this forum all the time to help others with their problems."


That process and function are exactly what I am addressing. If a poster simply "Copies" content from a website, or cloud storage, and then Repost's it into their own post, that content is still linked to the original source, from whence they copied. Make sense. And when that source has un-linked the content - then the picture(s) or info copied from that source, goes missing.


So that is the entire problem! If a person wants the content to be everlasting-ly included within their original post, then the pictures MUST either be: Embedded by "Attaching" directly from the posters hard drive, OR copied and pasted from the posters hard drive, so that the images or info is connected to the actual post content, and not dependent on an outside source(Or website) to re-populate that data for infinity.  


Simple way of describing the issue would be that if a picture or info has a web address, i.e. >> https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/128/590x/Orangutan-583912.jpg

Then it is only a matter of time before that picture and associated data is removed from the original source. (See link address above)

***Even if it "Looks" like it just pasted a picture into your post. IT DIDN'T! >>>>>> the image (Within your post) is being propogated or supplied by a web server.


>>>>>>>>>> Clear as mud right <<<<<<<<<<<<



                              I'm the one on the far right!


And if you are really a nerd - here is the actual image code for the above picture: 

<img data-loaded="true" data-ratio="59.32" data-cke-saved-src="https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/128/590x/Orangutan-583912.jpg" src="https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/128/590x/Orangutan-583912.jpg" width="590">


>>>> Now the Miata kit car below was attached, or copied from my hard drive. It will remain within this post forever.


Bottom line - Take one extra step and download the content you want to share, and then attach it to your posts.


One of my entertaining ex wives used to say: "I know you think you are helping". But I am genuinely trying to help and not trying to be preachy or anything, just wanting to highlight the real reason that pictures go missing in older posts.




Miata based Kit Car - Catfish 0.jpg

Edited by '91 Polo Green
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13 hours ago, '91 Polo Green said:

"For instance I copy photos from my website and other websites to the posts I make in this forum all the time to help others with their problems."


That process and function are exactly what I am addressing. If a poster simply "Copies" content from a website, or cloud storage, and then Repost's it into their own post, that content is still linked to the original source, from whence they copied. Make sense. And when that source has un-linked the content - then the picture(s) or info copied from that source, goes missing.


So that is the entire problem! If a person wants the content to be everlasting-ly included within their original post, then the pictures MUST either be: Embedded by "Attaching" directly from the posters hard drive, OR copied and pasted from the posters hard drive, so that the images or info is connected to the actual post content, and not dependent on an outside source(Or website) to re-populate that data for infinity.  


I understand what you are saying. In a perfect world where content would be everlasting what you are describing would be ideal.  But in the real world what you are suggesting goes against the grain. 


The internet is based on linking information together using a network of internet servers.  The information on those servers is constantly changing so broken links is business as usual.  Even on a small website like mine the information changes over time so it's not unusual to find broken links on this forum that linked to something that once was on ROJ but was removed for one reason or another. The Internet isn't like a library where the books contain static information and photos that never change.  Besides that, trying to get members of a forum to only post photos they have on their computer or not post any photos at all just isn't going to work.

Edited by Ronnie (see edit history)
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I used to believe like 91 Polo Green that keeping the pictures locally with the content was the way to go. Then, a forum I used to frequent lost the entire picture database in software upgrades THREE TIMES, and they weren't even switching to different brand of forum software. Another forum I was active on lost the picture database twice.


I started hosting pictures I post in webspace at my ISP. That lasted longer than posting them on forums, but eventually the ISP was sold, the domain name changed, and it broke all the links.


You might as well toss a coin up in the air.



Edited by Bloo (see edit history)
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Not everyone wants to download and save every photo they post to their computer and hard drive, many times people know of a source so they grab a picture just to help someone on a forum but don't want to do a download to their computer.  


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