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Proceedings and explanation of Denver General and BOD Meetings


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48 minutes ago, old-tank said:

Awe, go ahead and join...just ignore the noise or join in shutting it down.  This is great club and the noise is the minority.

X 2 , Been a BCA member for over " 45 YEARS " .  If people are not satisfied with the way the club is run , STEP UP TO THE PLATE

This is out of hand and second the motion to Shut it down or go to private emails.

Volunteers  do a great job in this club and should be praised,  not questioned .

Thanks Officers and BOD's .

Bill Lagna

BCA 3030

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OK, Enough. I was in Denver, was a great show! I attended the membership meeting and BOD meeting. It was surprising at times, but i felt the meeting were run very well and according to bylaws. This forum is not a meeting of the BOD. I saw volunteers working very hard to better the club and the majority of the board had great ideas and positive things for the future. Why is anyone poking the bear with repeated questions, demanding answers, after the moderator asked that all wait for the meeting minutes to be printed. Both meetings were very long and will take many hours and days and maybe weeks for the transcribing by another volunteer.


I ask all the have posted some negative and demanding remarks to remember that you all are picking on volunteers. Yes they do need to be accountable, but not picked on. And I think anyone that has negative things to say should be willing to do  volunteer work at meets, be a Buick Club member and volunteer in there own regional club. As a business owner and member of several boards, I saw things at both meetings ran properly.


I am excited for things to come, this issue to become old history. The  Buick club is looked up to by many other clubs and all are enviousness of our awesome monthly magazine. I want to thank all the board members, editors and moderators for their time. You all enrich the Buick hobby and expand my friendships with your volunteering.


Edited by superbuick
spelling (see edit history)
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16 hours ago, Brian_Heil said:


Still waiting. 


 There are 9 BCA board members that can answer your question. You will find there names and contact information in any recent Buick Bugle. This is the best way to find out what you want.

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