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How about a page for new members?


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I just joined the AACA forum and thought I should put something on there as a way of introducing myself and the reaction I got was a more of a chastisement for using the wrong page. So I got the idea..... After a new person signs up they be taken to a "hello" page where they are greeted and are asked to give some information about themselves like what skills they have, what classics they own and have owned. This way they won't make the same mistake I made when signing up.  Just food for thought?

Edited by retired mechanic74 (see edit history)
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Welcome to the AACA Reatta forum! I think you will like it here. 


Replying to this post is a good way to introduce yourself to the Reatta forum. Tell us about yourself and the car(s) you own. We like photos too. If I can assist you some way please let me know.

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I am a member of some other car brand forums and a couple of them do have a new members sticky topic at the top. Maybe not needed but it is a good place to get some of the misc. stuff out of the way even though much of that is included in the sign up information, if it's filled in. This would be more personal. My $0.02

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